Spatial Pattern and Time Series Dynamics of Spondylis buprestoides Adults

来源 :Plant Diseases and Pests | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:helen527
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Spondylis buprestoides adults in Pinus massoniana forests in Xianju Dabei Dixi Forestry Center were continuously investigated during 2006 and 2011. According to the survey data, multiple spatial pattern indicators of adult population were calculated, and the relationship between various indicators and density was analyzed. The K values of negative binomial distribution less affected by density were selected to describe the spatial pattern and time series dynamics of S. buprestoides adults. The results indicated that S. buprestoides adults showed aggregated distribution in the forest, but the aggregation degree varied with the season. There were 2 obvious diffusion peaks during May and June as well as September and October each year. The aggregation trend within a generation was aggregation-diffusion-aggregation. Spondylis buprestoides adults in Pinus massoniana forests in Xianju Dabei Dixi Forestry Center were continuously investigated during 2006 and 2011. According to the survey data, multiple spatial pattern indicators of adult population were calculated, and the relationship between various indicators and density was analyzed. The K values ​​of negative binomial distribution less affected by density were selected to describe the spatial pattern and time series dynamics of S. buprestoides adults. The results indicates that S. buprestoides adults showed aggregated distribution in the forest, but the aggregation degree varied with the season. There were 2 obvious diffusion peaks during May and June as well as September and October each year. The aggregation trend within a generation was aggregation-diffusion-aggregation.
近年来,我们应用盐酸纳洛酮救治急性酒精中毒取得了满意效果,现报告如下。1 对象与方法1.1 对象 急性酒精中毒146例,均取自我院1991年10月~1996年5月门诊急诊病人。其中男性1
我院自1998年1~6月应用血脂康治疗高脂血症患者36例,对其疗效进行了观察,现报道如下。 一、资料和方法 1.一般资料:来自门诊和住院的高脂血症患者36例,其中男30例,女6例,年龄