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党中央的决策,经济特区作为一个新的事物出现在南国边陲上。毋庸讳言,特区的兴办,引人注目,毁誉皆有。全国人民关注着这几块小土地上正在进行的一场革命,许多人对它抱着极大的兴趣,也有人带着几分疑惑,乃至愤懑……为了解开特区这个谜,作家、艺术家纷沓而至,以各种眼光写出了一批反映特区的作品。作为广州作家,我一直在注视着深圳、珠海,每年我都去走一走、看一看。从前,深圳只是个两万多人的小镇,广东的三等县城,最高楼房只有四五层,没有一条象样的街道,破旧荒凉,而隔不多远的香港是“石屎森林”,高楼林立,两相比较,令人感触殊深。前三四年去深圳,到处灰尘滚滚,嘈嘈嚷嚷,汽车喇叭没命地叫,行人拥挤得迈不开步,万国牌的车辆天天堵塞在马路交叉口,行难、住难、吃难,令人叫苦不迭。知其变化的我,口里骂着,心里是高兴的:这沉睡的边城小镇终于沸腾起来了。简易的房子里是相当豪华的宾馆、酒家、商店,闪烁着七彩的希望之光。去年底再去深圳,象魔术师似的,说变就变,一座现代化城市的雏型已矗立在人们的眼前,实在令人吃惊。我们天天喊着建设的高速度,在这小镇上体现出来了。 The policy-making and special economic zones of the Party Central Committee appear as a new thing on the border of the south. Needless to say, the establishment of the SAR is remarkable and devastating. People throughout the country are concerned about a revolution that is taking place on these small plots. Many people have great interest in it and others are somewhat puzzled and even resentful ... To understand the mystery of the SAR, writers and artists After another, a series of works reflecting the SAR are written in a variety of ways. As a writer in Guangzhou, I have been watching Shenzhen and Zhuhai. Every year I go for a walk and have a look. Once upon a time, Shenzhen was only a small town of more than 20,000, Guangdong’s third-class county seat. The tallest building was only four or five storeys high. There was no decent street and shabby desertification. Hong Kong, not far away, was a “concrete jungle” Tall buildings, two phase comparison, it is a deep feeling. In the first three or four years, going to Shenzhen, there was a lot of dust and noisy noise. The trumpets did not call for help. Pedestrians were not crowded enough to get crowded. Vehicles of Wan Guo Blocked at the intersection of roads every day. People cry bitterly. I know its change, cursing mouth, my heart is happy: this sleepy border town finally boiled up. Simple house is quite luxurious hotels, restaurants, shops, shining colorful hope of light. Go to Shenzhen at the end of last year, like a magician like, that change becomes a prototype of a modern city has stood in front of people, it is really surprising. Everyday we shout the speed of construction, reflected in this small town.
北斗卫星导航系统是我国自行开发研制的区域导航系统。这个系统是由空间卫星、地面控制中心站和北斗用户终端三部分构成。空间部分包括两颗地球同步轨道卫星 (CEO)组成。卫星
布面油彩127×102厘米1993年 向日葵@李强 Oil on canvas 127 × 102 cm 1993 Sunflower @ Li Qiang