
来源 :中国民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pkuai
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今年6月19日,是毛泽东同志关于“民兵工作要做到组织落实、政治落实、军事落实”的“三落实”指示发表43周年纪念日。民兵工作“三落实”是对我国民兵工作历史经验的科学总结,是我们各个时期做好民兵工作的行动指南。组织落实是战斗力生成的基础和前提,政治落实是民兵工作的灵魂,军事训练是提高战斗力的重要途径。在新的形势下,要提高民兵建设质量,就必须与时俱进、求真务实地抓好“三落实”。组织落实方面,如何解决“编为用、建为战”,夯实谋打赢的基石?政治落实方面,如何拓展教育内容、改革教育手段,筑牢民兵工作的“生命线”?军事落实方面,如何与“实战对表”,增强训练的针对性、应用性,保障战斗力快速生成?围绕这些当今民兵建设必须探讨和解决的问题,本期采编了部分单位的做法和经验,敬请大家读一读。 June 19 this year marks the 43rd anniversary of Comrade Mao Tse-tung’s “three fulfillment” instructions on the “implementation of the militia work, political implementation and military implementation.” The “three fulfillment” of the militia work is a scientific summary of the historical experience of the work of the militia in our country and is the guide for action in various aspects of our militia work in various periods. The implementation of the organization is the foundation and premise for the generation of combat effectiveness. Political implementation is the soul of the militia work and military training is an important way to improve combat effectiveness. Under the new situation, if we want to improve the quality of the militia building, we must keep pace with the times and work hard to fulfill the “three commitments” in a pragmatic and pragmatic manner. As for the implementation of the organization, how to solve the problem of “compiling, building a war”, and laying a solid foundation for winning? In terms of political implementation, how to expand the content of education, reform education and build the “lifeline” of militia work? And the “actual combat on the table” to enhance the relevance and applicability of the training so as to ensure the rapid development of combat effectiveness? In view of these problems that must be explored and solved by these militia constructions today, some units’ practices and experiences were compiled in this issue. .
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