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一,价格变动难适应。承包企业的上缴利税一般都是“包死基数,一定几年不变”,目前由于物价部分放开,使承包企业之间出现了苦乐不均的现象。那些生产资料大幅度涨价,生产成本直线上升,而产品的价格仍未放开的企业,虽然可以通过提高经济效益消化一部分,但是生产率的增长速度远远跟不上物价上涨速度,影响承包基数的完成,特别是生产微利商品和出口创汇商品,更不容易完成承包指标,从而影响经营者、生产者的经济收入,抵消了承包制带来的企业活力和劳动者的生产积极性,因此目前有20%以上的承包企业要求变动承包合同。 First, the price changes difficult to adapt. The profits and taxes turned over by contracting enterprises are generally “deadlocked base, certain years unchanged”, the current part of the price liberalization, so that the contractor between the phenomenon of uneasy and uneasy. Those enterprises whose production materials have been drastically raised in price and whose production costs have risen sharply while the prices of products have not yet been liberalized can, though they can digest some of them by increasing their economic efficiency, can not keep up with the rate of increase in prices and affect the contracting base In particular, it is even more difficult to complete the contractual targets for the production of low-profit goods and foreign exchange earning goods, thus affecting the economic incomes of operators and producers and offsetting the vitality of enterprises and workers’ enthusiasm for production brought by the contractual system. Therefore, there are More than 20% of the contracting companies require a change of contract.
L’area oggetto di questa breve nota e della relativa carta geomorfologica è ubicata neipressi del Passo del Foscagno, in Aha Valtellina. Si tratta di un’are
次の文の( )にはどんな言叶を入れたらよいか,1—4の中から最も适当なものを一つ选びなさい。1. うちの会社の课长( ),口ばかりで何も实行しようとしない。①としたら ②ときた
女人40,她游刀名利场却不计较得失,淡定优雅宛若玫瑰美中带刺。 Woman 40, she swim knife Vanity Fair but do not care about the gains and losses, calm and graceful l
Vengono riportate in questo secondo contributo nuove segnalazioni di specie rinvenutenel corso di erborizzazioni nella pianura bresciana centro-occidentale: Si
孤独不是与生俱来的,而是从你爱上一个人的那刻开始。原来,所有的责任、承诺、道德、传统、忍耐,都是孤独的源头。 在我30年的生涯里,只对一个男人有一种割舍不了的感觉,这