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全国九个新型建筑材料建设基地之一的湖南省衡阳市,近年来,新型建材生产有了较快的发展。到目前为止,这个市先后试制成功和投入生产的新型建筑材料有墙体材料、装饰装修材料、防水材料、代钢材料、保温材料、以塑代木产品等六大类四十多种,基本上形成了一个多品种、多花色、多功能的新型建筑材料生产体系。五年来,这个市用砌块等新材料建筑的房屋,总面积已达七万多平方米。衡阳市新型建筑材料为何发展较快?其主要经验是: 一、确定专管班子,实行统一指挥在市委和市政府的领导下,衡阳市早在1980年就成立了有市的领导同志和城建等有关部门负责人参加的“衡阳市建筑工业化领导小组新材料办公室”。它的主要职责是,对全市 Hengyang City, Hunan Province, one of the country’s nine new building materials construction bases, has seen rapid development of new building materials production in recent years. So far, the city has successfully tested and put into production of new types of building materials: wall materials, decoration materials, waterproof materials, substitute steel materials, insulation materials, plastic substitute wood products, etc. On the formation of a multi-variety, multi-color, multi-functional new building materials production system. In the past five years, the total area of ​​houses built with new materials such as blocks in the city has reached more than 70,000 square meters. Why did the new construction materials in Hengyang develop faster? Their main experience is: 1. Determine the special management team and implement the unified command. Under the leadership of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, Hengyang City established the leading comrades and cities of the city as early as 1980. The “New Materials Office of the Leading Group for the Construction Industry of Hengyang City” attended by leaders of related departments. Its main responsibility is to the city
世界未来学会会刊《未来学者》建议,今后应攻克下列九大难题: (一)通用翻译器:一种轻便的计算机单机单元,可以让不同语言的人自由交谈。 (二)超级燃料:一种廉价、丰富、不污
河南陕县电器厂在1983年从美国巴布考克·威尔考科斯(Babcok·Wilcox)公司(以下简称B·W 公司)引进了一条整套生产耐火纤维及其制品的技术软件和部分关键设备。这条生产,线
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重庆市丰都县人武部党委在充分调查研究基础上,积极实现今年民兵工作的三个转移。 一是在组织建设上实现从注重农村民兵向重视城市民兵的转移。在搞好农村民兵整组的同时,重