王潮歌 我渴望达到神的状态

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王潮歌又一次一头扎进了她的“印象”系列中。先是在冷雨夜裹着袄,维护性排练《印象普陀》;又在武夷山雨雾中,完成《印象大红袍》的演出;接着马不停蹄,飞到桂林。她在微博上感叹,“十三年了……我老了,我的《印象刘三姐》依然年轻……”2004年3月,《印象刘三姐》正式公演,以山为界,以水为舞台,以光为媒,实景演出一炮打响。在那之后,“印象”成为了一个文化符号,一种商业模式,与张艺谋、樊跃结成“铁三角”的王潮歌也成为评论家笔下“中国最具创新精神的导演”。近年来,王潮歌推出“又见”系列,将演出拉同 Wang Chao once again plunged into her “Impression ” series. First wrapped in a jacket in the cold rainy night, maintenance rehearsal “Impression Putuo”; again in Wuyi rain and fog, to complete the “Impression Dahongpao” performance; then non-stop, flew to Guilin. She laments on Weibo, “Thirteen years ... I am old and my impression of” Third Sister Liu “is still young ...” In March 2004, “Impression of Third Sister Liu” was formally performed. For the stage, with light as a medium, a live show started. Since then, “Impression ” has become a cultural symbol, a business model, and Zhang Yimou, Fan Yue form “Iron Triangle ” Wang Chaoge also became a commentator “China’s most innovative director ”. In recent years, Wang Chao song launched “see again ” series, the show will be the same
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