
来源 :花样盛年 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rilinx_2009
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都说女人容易被骗,仗着以前的旧情,以为就可以发酵一场春梦,但今时不同往日。还记得当年区长风的调笑,谢谢,白白占了人便宜,好会起名字的爹妈。15年前,当他第一次喊我名字时,我报之一句,你好。15年后,他再次喊出我的名字,我的回答依然是当年那两个字。只不过15年前,那两个字意味着故事的开始,而如今,则是故事的结束。大学那会儿,要说不思上进整日斗地主的男生,绝对不在少数,但是要说状态如此还有女生洗衣送饭,嘘寒问暖的,大概除了区长风再无他人了。别人的男友都 Women are said to be easily cheated, relied on the old love, I thought we could ferment a spring dream, but now different from the past. Remember the long time the area of ​​laughter, thank you, white account for the cheap, it would be good name father and mother. 15 years ago, when he first called my name, I reported one, hello. Fifteen years later, he shouted my name again, and my answer remained the same two words of the year. Only 15 years ago, those two words meant the beginning of the story, and now it is the end of the story. University at that moment, to say that I could not think of enterprising Landlords boy, is definitely not a minority, but to say that there are so many women laundry delivery, greetings, probably in addition to the long wind no other people. Others are boyfriend
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