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橡树、板栗、榛子为东北地区主要的木本粮、油树种。三种树的种子常受象虫为害而减产,据1959年调查,在东北地区为害严重分布较广的有橡实象虫Curculio dentipes Roel.、橡剪枝象虫 Cyllorhynchitesursulus goel.和榛实象虫 Curculio dieckmanni Faust等三种。天然次生林中也有发生,甚至有时共同为害同一树种。为深入研究及便于防治,作者对三种象虫的特征和生活习性做了此较研究,井提出防治意见。 Oak, chestnut, hazelnut northeastern region of the main woody grain, oil tree species. The seeds of three kinds of trees are often reduced by the damage of elephant pests. According to the survey in 1959, the species of Curculio dentipes Roel., Cyllorhynchitesursulus goel. Curculio dieckmanni Faust other three. Natural secondary forests also occur, and sometimes jointly damage the same species. In order to further study and facilitate prevention and treatment, the author made a comparative study of the characteristics and living habits of the three kinds of elephants, and put forward prevention and treatment opinions.
玉米丝黑穗病 Sphacelotheca reilianavar.zeae 是生产上的重要病害。关于病原菌侵染条件及其与高粱丝黑穗菌交互侵染关系尚少资料。为给防治和抗病育种、品种合理布局提供
黄河流域棉区棉铃虫齿唇姬蜂Campoletis chlorideae Uchida对棉铃虫抑制作用显著,我们于1975~1978年对其生物学进行了观察,现将初步结果报告于下。 The inhibition effect o
爲了保障農業生産,每年總有幾百噸農藥,從口裏或國外運來新疆,防治農作物上的病虫 In order to ensure agricultural production, there are always hundreds of tons of pe
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印度谷螟[Plodia interpunctella (Hübner)]幼虫是一种严重的贮粮害虫,危害大米、小麦、玉米、高粱、燕麦、芝麻、大豆、面粉及一些干鲜果品。每年发生的世代数多,繁殖数量
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