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按斯塔克曼(Stakman)建立的用鉴别寄主鉴定锈菌生理小种的概念和方法存在许多问题。主要缺点是所分析的结果,掩盖了寄主和病原物的相互作用,不利于更有效地为抗病育种提供情报和妨碍生物间遗传学研究的发展。本叶锈病研究组的试验结果指出,被鉴定为同小种的不同菌株,其毒力不一定相同。本组用河北省的叶锈菌测河北省的主要小麦品种和抗源和用毒力频率来表示,对抗病育种工作者直接提供小麦品种和叶锈菌小种的相互作用,比单纯提供用编号命名的小种名单要有用得多。通过毒性公式的分析,还可以了解叶锈菌的毒性组合和小麦品种的抗性组合。 There are a number of problems with the concept and method of identification of rust-resistant races using the identification host established by Stakman. The main disadvantage is that the results analyzed obscure the interaction between hosts and pathogens, which is not conducive to providing more effective information for disease-resistant breeding and impeding the development of inter-biological genetic research. The results of the trial of this leaf rust study group point out that the virulence of different strains identified as the same race is not necessarily the same. This group of Hebei Province’s leaf rust test of major wheat varieties in Hebei Province and the frequency of resistance and virulence expressed that the resistance of breeding workers directly provide the interaction of wheat varieties and leaf rust races than simply provide It is much more useful to use a numbered raccoon list. Through the analysis of the toxicity formula, it is also possible to understand the combination of the toxicity of the leaf rust and the resistance of the wheat variety.
最近有读者来信询问劳务报酬个人所得税率与计税方法,现根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》和《中华人民共和国个人所得税法实施条例》有关规定解答如下。 Recently, some
三、可可广翅蜡蝉(Ricania Cacaonis Chou et Lu) (一)形态特征成虫:体长6毫米,翅展16毫米。头和胸部背面黄褐色至褐色,额角黄色,有三条纵脊。中胸盾片除三条长的纵脊在前端
温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum(Westwood)是近年来在我国京、津、冀等地区蔬菜上造成严重危害的一种昆虫,尤其是保护地生产受到威胁更大,此虫严重发生时可使作物减产
茶卷叶蛾(Homora coffearia Niether)又称后黄卷叶蛾,属鳞翅目卷叶蛾科。以幼虫啃食幼嫩芽叶为害,如得不到及时防治,成叶和老叶都会遭受严重为害。Nouchi、Hiroshi等1979年
一、黑尾叶蝉越冬后的迁移情况 1.黑尾叶蝉的越冬场所及迁移情况。根据1968年我们在浠水县的调查,水稻黄矮病的虫媒黑尾叶蝉,冬季以若虫和少部分成虫在田边、沟边及红花草子