中国陆上油气勘探已进入岩性地层油气藏与构造油气藏勘探并重的新阶段,大部分盆地的岩性地层油气藏已成为近年储量增长的主体。新近完成的资源评价结果表明,中国陆上岩性地层油藏占剩余资源的42%,在4个主要勘探领域中所占比例最高,是今后相当长一个时期内我国陆上最现实、最有潜力、最有普遍性的油气勘探领域。近几年,中油股份公司每年探明石油地质储量4.3 ×108t~4.6×108t,其中岩性地层油藏占50%以上,在松辽、鄂尔多斯、渤海湾、准噶尔、塔里木、四川、二连等盆地,新发现了安塞、靖安、大情子井、留西、石南21井区、哈得逊等一批地质储量5×107t~3×108t的岩性地层大油田。我国陆上四种类型盆地的岩性地层油气藏形成条件与分布规律各异,陆相盆地主要受不整合面、最大湖侵面和断裂面三个面控制,古生界海相盆地主要受古隆起、不整合和海平面升降控制。通过勘探实践和研究积累,中石油股份公司形成了以三维地震和层序地层学为关键技术的岩性地层油气藏勘探配套技术系列。
China’s onshore oil and gas exploration has entered a new phase of equal emphasis on both lithologic reservoirs and structural reservoirs. Lithologic stratigraphic reservoirs in most of the basins have become the mainstay of reserves growth in recent years. The newly completed resource assessment results show that China’s onshore lithologic reservoirs account for 42% of the remaining resources, accounting for the highest proportion of the four major exploration areas and the most realistic and potential land onshore for a considerable period of time in the future. The most common field of oil and gas exploration. In recent years, PetroChina Company has proven reserves of 4.3 × 108t-4.6 × 108t of oil per year, of which lithologic reservoirs account for over 50% of the total. Reservoirs in Songliao, Erdos, Bohai Bay, Junggar, Tarim, Sichuan and Erlian Basin, a large number of lithologic reservoirs with 5 × 107t ~ 3 × 108t geological reserves of Ansai, Jing’an, Daqingzi, West Liuzhou, Shitan 21 and Hudson have been discovered. The formation conditions and distribution patterns of lithostratigraphic reservoirs in the four types of terrestrial basins in China are different. The continental basins are mainly controlled by three aspects: unconformity surface, the largest lake surface and fault surface, and the Paleozoic marine basins Paleoproterozoic, unconformity and sea level lift control. Through exploration practice and research accumulation, CNPC has formed a series of exploration technologies for lithologic stratigraphic reservoirs that take 3D seismic and sequence stratigraphy as the key technologies.