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本书是对明永乐七年(1409年)为统治黑龙江、乌苏里江流域及库页岛而在黑龙江下游特林之地设置的奴儿干都指挥使司的系统性研究。据“编著者说明”,研究工作始于1963年;本书是中国有关这方面研究的集大成者。编著者杨旸、袁闾琨、傅朗云先生发表了许多有关东北史的论文和著作;由于不清楚三位执笔的分工情况,本文只好一并称其为著者。下面按章介绍本书的内容。第一章“奴儿干都司设立前,黑龙江、乌苏里江流域自古以来就是中国的领土”,对明代以前的状况,分为唐代以前、唐至辽金、元代这三个时期进行概观;略述了可称之为奴儿干都司前身的元东征元帅府的设置经过。第二章“奴儿干都司设立前的辽东都司设置”,针对辽东都指挥使司及三万卫以下25卫和自在、安 This book is a systematic study of the commander-in-chief of Nu’er Qiandu, which was set up in the land of Trinidad and Tobago in the lower Heilongjiang Province in Heilongjiang, Wusuli River Basin and Sakhalin Island in Ming Yongle seven years (1409). According to “Editor’s Notes,” research began in 1963; this book is a masterpiece of research in this area in China. Editors Yang Xun, Yuan Lukun and Fu Longyun have published many papers and books on the history of the Northeast China. This article has to be referred to as the author because they are not clear about the division of labor between the three writers. The following chapter describes the contents of this book. The first chapter, “Nu Wa dry division before the establishment of the Heilongjiang, Wusuli River Basin since ancient times is China’s territory”, before the Ming Dynasty, the state is divided into before the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty to the Liao Jin, Yuan Dynasty, the three periods of overview ; Outlines the set of Yuan Dong Zheng Yuan Marshal House that can be described as the predecessor of the slave child Qian Du. The second chapter “Settle Liaodong Division before the establishment of slave trade cadres division”, in response to Liaodong command division and thirty thousand Wei the following twenty-five Wei and free, Ann
<正> 一、民族分布及其社会经济状况清代前期,在黑龙江下游、乌苏里江两岸和滨东海地区,居住着赫哲族、费雅喀族;在库页岛上,居住着费雅喀族、库页族(苦夷族);在黑龙江下游和锡霍特山区,居住着乌德盖族。清代档案,通常把黑龙江下游、乌苏里江两岸和滨东海地区的少数民族统称为赫哲费雅喀人,把库页岛上的少数民族统称为库页费雅喀人。
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