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作为我国四大名著之一的《水浒传》,自问世以来,就受到了广大读者的喜爱。尤其是其中对人物的描写,生动形象,人物性格个性鲜明,一个个英雄好汉的事迹跃然纸上,通过作者的描写和讲述,使人们重新对草莽英雄和士大夫等不同阶层的人有了新的认识。在《水浒传》中,林冲的性格和事迹都是比较复杂的,并不像其他英雄好汉那样直观,即使是一件事中,林冲在事件前后的性格也有着较大的差别。本文主要对《水浒传》中林冲性格的多重性和性格转换作一些具体的分析。 As one of the four famous works in China, Outlaws of the Marsh have been favored by readers since its publication. In particular, the description of the characters, the vivid image, the distinctive character of the characters and the deeds of heroic heroines are vividly illustrated on the paper. Through the author’s description and narration, people are given a new look at people from different walks of life, such as the heroic warrior and the doctorial doctor understanding. In Outlaws of the Marsh, Lin Chong’s character and deeds are more complex, not as intuitive as other heroic hero, even in one thing, Lin Chong’s personality before and after the event also has a greater difference. This article mainly makes some concrete analyzes on the multiplicity and personality transformation of Lin Chong’s character in The Outlaws of the Marsh.
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