英特尔 标准架构智能化

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IT 业作为一种新的行业,其实并没有也不可能脱离整个产业环境和行业链,也就是说,倡导“数字神经系统”、以“后现代主义”为宗旨的 IT本身并不是一座“数字孤岛”,它自有其依傍和发源地,并且以传统行业为最大客户来支撑自己的利润、份额和“经济增长点”,传统行业的恩惠和后盾可谓大矣!既然 IT“取之行业”,它也应该“用之行业”,要不然“鼠标加水泥”的商业模式将力单难支,失之偏颇。既然“水能载舟,亦能覆舟”,从行业里汲取了无尽灵感和养料的 IT也应该“饮水思源”,反哺行业。拥有新的观念和技术、新的产品和方案的 IT 同样能给行业带来一股清凉和解渴之水。《商业周刊》把亚洲经济形容为“水龙头”,那么,我们的 IT 厂商准备好拥泵了吗?每一次现代对传统的革故鼎新,都意味着一次“水滴石穿”和“水到渠成”。水是最性灵的元素,随物赋形,“为有源头活水来”,诸多行业将各取所需吗?IT 业已经积攒够能量和盛宴,我们的行业准备好接受洗礼了吗?什么时候,我国的企业信息化才能“e 江春水向东流”? IT industry as a new industry, in fact, there is no impossible and impossible to leave the entire industrial environment and industry chain, that is to advocate “digital nervous system” to “postmodernism” for the purpose of IT itself is not a “number Island ”, it has its own proximity and origins, and traditional industries as the largest customer to support their own profits, share and“ economic growth point ”, the traditional industry’s grace and backing can be described as big! Since IT“ take the industry ” , It should also “use the industry”, otherwise “mouse plus cement” business model will be difficult to force a single, lost the bias. Since “water can carry boats, but also capsize”, IT, which has drawn endless inspiration and nourishment from the industry, should also “think of drinking water” and feed the industry. IT, with new ideas and technologies, new products and solutions, can also bring cool and thirst-quenching water to the industry. BusinessWeek describes the Asian economy as a “faucet,” so are our IT vendors ready to pump? Every modern revolution in tradition means “a drop of water” and “a natural solution.” Water is the most spiritual element, with the material shape, “for the first time to live in water,” many industries will take what you need? IT industry has accumulated enough energy and feast, our industry is ready to accept the baptism of it and when? , China’s enterprise information can “e spring flow east”?
概念篇掌上电脑乎?PDA乎? 长城其实叫什么并不重要,重要的是两者之间是否存在内在本质的区别或是功能上的区别。长城公司的吴定邦认为,掌上电脑是“电脑”产品,是与台式机、
从节省资金的角度出发,许多中小企业用 PC 机来充当 PC 服务器,这样做合适吗?通用服务器解决方案是不是适合你的企业需要,有没有考虑用专用服务器?为了让读者走出这两个误区,