《音乐——神圣的魅力》图书选编连载(九) 音乐与儿童智力的发展

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(接上期)可见,音乐作为教育手段,给儿童有意的刺激是非常重要的。经过这样科学、严格、有规律的训练,对孩子反应的灵敏、注意力的集中,记忆力以及推理和联想能力的增强,都起到一定的作用。正如加州大学欧文分校神经生物学科研究中心主任G·肖发觉所有高度集中的思考,其神经细胞都可用图像显示其特征。他同时发觉用聆听音乐来训练孩子的大脑皮层神经细胞时,他们的循环系统也在增强。而且,在图像上可以显示出其应用与复杂推理论证的能力。他和弗朗西斯教授给19个学龄前儿童上钢琴课和唱歌课,八个月后,他们发现这些孩子“引人注目地提高和扩大了推理论述的智力水平”。正像美国布朗大学心理学家贾迪纳教授指出:“学习音乐有微调大脑的能力,协助人脑更加专注于其他门类的学习”。我在实际工作中也有同样的体会,试举两例。 (Continued) shows that music as an educational tool, intended to stimulate children is very important. After such a scientific, rigorous, regular training, sensitivity to the child’s reaction, concentration, memory, as well as reasoning and the ability to associate, all play a role. As G. Shaw, director of the Center for Neurobiology at the University of California Irvine, sees all highly focused thinking, his neurons can display their features in images. At the same time, he found that the circulatory system was also enhanced by listening to music to train children’s cerebral cortical neurons. Moreover, its ability to demonstrate its application and sophisticated reasoning can be demonstrated on the images. He and Professor Francis gave piano lessons and singing lessons to 19 preschoolers eight months later, and they found that these children “conspicuously increased and expanded the intellectual level of reasoning.” As Professor Gordina, a psychologist at Brown University in the United States, pointed out: “Learning music has the ability to fine-tune the brain and help the human brain focus more on other kinds of learning.” I have the same experience in practical work, give two examples.
In this paper,shorter residence time(a few minutes)with high yield in the trickle bed process for per- acetic acid synthesis by acetaldehyde liquid phase oxidat
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在素质教育中 ,德育、智育、体育、美育和劳动技术教育构成了一个完整的教育体系 ,五者互相依存 ,互相影响。其中 ,体育是最具渗透性和最有活力的因素 ,它对德育、智育等诸方
我退休后发现,年近八旬的老爸老妈竟然迷上唱歌。每天清早,他们跟着合唱队去练习,连平时做家务的时候也哼唱着,乐此不疲。后来合唱队参加了市电视台举办的春节联欢晚会,老爸老妈也因此戴上“明星”的光环。  我们突发奇想,全家集资为老爸老妈出一张“歌唱专辑”。我去联系音乐公司的老同学,老同学说:“难得你们有这份孝心,这事就包在我身上!”经过近一个月的筹划录制,专辑与“歌迷”们见面了。按孙辈们的意见,先举行了
研究了甲壳素快速吸附铜离子的富集酸度、富集时间、倍数及洗脱条件等,在火焰原子吸收光谱仪上测定地表水中的铜。方法简便、快速、富集倍数高,检出限低,精密度高。 The enrich
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