当今世界,蔬菜生产早已跨越了传统的鲜食与加工范畴,随着人们营养水平和生产能力的提高,从外观上、营养上、用途上等方面,出现了蔬菜的新类群。这个趋势,值得我国蔬菜科研人员和生产者予以关注,尽快以新品丰富国内市场,迎合国外潮流。现在根据《农技推广服务信息》的有关资料,补充介绍如下: 彩色蔬菜系指多色马铃薯、粉红菜花、紫色甘兰、内红外白的萝卜、红绿相间的辣椒等。目前这类蔬菜数量不多,因此显得名贵。由于具有诱发食欲和一定的食疗效用,在市场上供不应求。
In today’s world, vegetable production has long crossed the traditional areas of fresh food and processing. With the improvement of people’s nutrition and productivity, new groups of vegetables have emerged in terms of appearance, nutrition and usage. This trend is worth our attention of vegetable researchers and producers in China, as soon as possible to enrich the domestic market with new products to meet the foreign trend. Now based on “agricultural extension service information” of the relevant information, supplemented as follows: Colorful vegetables refers to the multicolor potato, pink cauliflower, purple cabbage, white radish inside, white and red pepper and so on. The current small number of such vegetables, it is expensive. Due to the induced appetite and certain therapeutic effect, in the market in short supply.