
来源 :工厂管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zqzhang_1011
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在市场多变、竞争激烈的经营环境中,生产管理作为企业产生经营活动的重要组成部分,必须达到“船大要调头、且要调头快”这样一个总体要求。 我们宁江机床厂通过不断的实践和完善,产生并较好地运用了分级应变管理的新方法,成功地解决了“增强应变能力、满足市场需求”的问题。 分级应变管理方法概要 我厂分级应变管理的新方法就是把应变作为优化生产管理的手段,以最大限度地满足市场不断变化的需求为目的;在系统管理下,根据产品交货期的不同紧张度,以生产作业计划为中心进行不同应变级的分解和管理,达到有效缩短生产周期、保证产品按期交货的一种生产管理的新方法。具体方法是通过“连续滚动作业投交进度计划”、“零部件流程分类管理”、“组合式期量标准”以及“专项进度计划”等分级应变形式而层层展开。它在生产作业计划实施分级应变管理的同时,也在生产组织和生产控制上采用相对应的管理手段,形成了分级应变管理体系。 In the ever-changing market and fiercely competitive business environment, production management, as an important part of the business activities that companies generate, must meet such an overall requirement of “the ship’s major must turn around and must turn heads quickly”. Our Ningjiang Machine Tool Plant, through continuous practice and improvement, has produced and better applied the new method of graded strain management and successfully solved the problem of “enhancing adaptability and meeting market demand”. Graded Strain Management Methodology Summary Our new approach to grading strain management is to use strain as a means to optimize production management to maximize the ability to meet the changing needs of the market; under system management, different levels of tension based on product delivery With the production operation plan as the center, decomposition and management of different strain levels will be carried out to achieve a new production management method that can effectively shorten the production cycle and ensure the delivery of products on time. The specific method is carried out step by step through the hierarchical strain forms such as “continuous rolling operation delivery schedule”, “parts and components flow classification management”, “combined period amount standard” and “special schedule”. While implementing graded strain management in production operation plans, it also adopts corresponding management methods in production organization and production control, and forms a graded strain management system.
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1949年8月4日,国民党将领程潜、陈明仁两将军在我党的推动下,与蒋介石、白崇禧巧妙周旋,摆脱种种阻挠,毅然率部起义,宣布接受中国共产党提出的和平协定,脱离国民 On August