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现今职业教育在国家的大力支持下,发展的红红火火,班主任作为班级的管理者,是班级的主心骨,是学生在校时的父母,起着至关重要的管理作用。为此管理工作是学校工作中的重中之重,就这几年当班主任的点滴,谈一谈班主任在职业教育中管理的艺术。 Vocational education nowadays is booming with vigorous support from the state. As the manager of the class, the teacher in charge of class is the backbone of the class and plays a vital role in the management of the students when they are at school. To this end, management is the most important task in school work. In the past few years, the shift supervisor bit by bit, talked about the teacher’s art management in vocational education.
积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,充分理解小组合作学习的意义,以达到提高学习效率的目的。 Actively advocate independent, cooperative and exploratory learning me
新课改以来,高中数学教学中教师要不断探索和创新,才能提高课堂教学效率。 Since the new curriculum reform, teachers in high school mathematics teaching must constan
面对当今的教学现状,对培养学生的质疑能力提出几点建议。 Faced with the current teaching situation, to raise students’ ability to question the making of a few su
结合教学实际,浅谈了高三历史复习方法。 Combined with teaching practice, a brief talk on the history of senior high school review methods.
物理规律是反应物质运动变化过程中各个因素之间的本质联系,揭示物理现象、物理过程在一定条件下必然发生、发展和变化的规律,包括物理定律、定理、原理、法则和公式等。 Th
从说课要与时俱进、如何说课更有效两方面阐述了有效说课能提高课堂教学效率。 Speaking from class to advance with the times, how to say the class more effective two
改进珠心算教学方法,激发学生思维,是培养学生创新意识的有效途径之一。 Improving the abacus teaching method to stimulate students ’thinking is one of the effectiv