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言语能力的发展是儿童智力发展的必要条件,也是对孩子进行其它教育的基础。婴儿期是儿童口语发展的关键时期,因此,加强婴儿的言语训练对提高孩子的智力水平是十分重要的。一、创造良好的言语环境让孩子多接触周围的人,与周围人进行交往。成人说话的口型、音调以至表情等,都会对孩子言语的发展产生潜移默化的影响。因此,应给孩子提供良好的学习言语的环境。首先,父母的言语应当文明、规范、准确、流畅,成为孩子学习言语的典范。其次,父母要经常和孩子说话。许多家长认为,一岁左右的孩子不会说话,因此也就很少对孩子讲话, The development of speech ability is a necessary condition for the development of children’s intelligence and also the basis for carrying out other education on children. Infancy is a crucial period for children’s oral development. Therefore, strengthening infant’s speech training is very important to improve children’s intelligence. First, to create a good language environment so that children more contact with people around, and people around to engage in exchanges. The speaking, the tone and even the expression of adult speech will have a subtle influence on the development of children’s speech. Therefore, children should be provided with a good learning environment. First of all, parents’ words should be civilized, standardized, accurate and smooth, and become a model of children’s learning of language. Second, parents often talk to their children. Many parents think that children around the age of one do not speak and therefore rarely speak to their children,
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摘要:在高中阶段,数学学习中的学习成绩不良学生(暂称之为“学困生”)比例较大,转变“学困生”是摆在我们教学工作者面前的现实而又艰巨的任务.本文从教师因素方面对“学困生”的形成作一些分析,并对已经形成的“学困生”提出一些相应的教学对策.  关键词:学困生;教师因素;教学对策    一、问题的提出    素质教育的特征之一是全面性,不但要面向全体学生教育,更要使学生得到全面发展,全面成才.而数学是一门
英国研究人员最近研究发现,口腔不卫生可能会增加患心脏病和中风的风险。无疑让人们又多了一个刷牙的理由。 A recent study by British researchers found that unsanitary
药物牙膏含有少量的微量元素或某些化学抑菌、杀菌剂或某种中草药,有些人据此认为药物牙膏能治疗牙病。殊不知,这样的认识是错误的。常见的药物牙膏有: Drug toothpaste con