My Dream Weekends

来源 :阅读(快乐英语高年级) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xdlclub
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  Do you want to know something about my dream weekends? OK! Let me tell you.
  On Sunday,I get up at nine o’clock. I put on my clothes and brush my teeth. I ask my mom,“Can you cook fried rice with eggs for me?” She gets up and goes downstairs to cook breakfast for me. After breakfast,she says,“Let’s go to Yu Shan Park!” “Great!”
  We get to Yu Shan Park at ten o’clock. We take a walk and have a picnic there. We go to KFC after the picnic. We eat two hamburgers,many chips and drink two glasses of cola.
  We go home at one o’clock in the afternoon. At home,I watch TV,and my parents play computer games. We have dinner at six o’clock and go to bed at eight o’clock.
  This is my dream weekends. What about yours?
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掃一扫,关注我们,回复  “1805高英”,听有声版。
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