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1岁半~2岁一岁半~二岁的婴儿处于言语发生阶段的后一阶段,即双词句阶段。他们往往用两个单词表示一个句子,如“妈妈抱抱”“囡囡饭饭”“苹果削”等。这一阶段婴儿似乎突然开了口,说话的积极性很高,词语大量增加,出现了“词语爆炸现象”。而且,从一岁半开始,婴儿词句的掌握也迅速发展,由单词句——双词句——完整句发展。总之,这是婴儿掌握词语的第一个关键期,宜提供下列一些语言教育活动。1.提供良好的言语榜样和言语示范婴儿掌握的语言主要是通过对周围语言环境的模仿而获得的。成人应注意用丰富的面部表情、富有变化的语调、规范准确的发音、丰富而又准确的用词造句,为婴儿提供良好的言语榜样和言语示范。2.正确对待婴儿的提问 1 year and a half to 2 years old and a half years old ~ 2 years old babies in the latter stage of verbal phase, that is, double-word stage. They often use two words to express a sentence, such as “mom hug” “moxa rice” “apple cut” and so on. At this stage, the baby seems to have suddenly opened its mouth and has a high degree of enthusiasm in speaking and a large increase in terms, resulting in the “explosion phenomenon of words.” Moreover, from the age of one and a half years, the mastery of baby’s words has also developed rapidly, from the words - double words - complete sentence development. In short, this is the first critical period for babies to master the words and should provide some of the following language education activities. 1. To provide a good example of speech and speech demonstration Babies grasp the language is mainly through the imitation of the surrounding language environment obtained. Adults should pay attention to using rich facial expressions, rich intonation, regulate accurate pronunciation, rich and accurate words to make sentences, provide a good example of speech and speech demonstration for the baby. Correctly treat the baby’s question
实际 应用中,热 电偶常配 有温度补 偿线路。以 保证参考 端温度为0℃。这里就桥式补偿线路加以讨论。 桥式补偿线路是采用不平衡电桥原理进行补偿的。(见图1)。图中,1为热电偶;2为放
幼儿的“主体性缺失”有着各种各样的表现,但我们认为,以下三个方面最集中、最具代表性: 第一,学习和思维刻板,缺乏创造性。美国心理学家邓克尔经实验得出的结论是:“人的心
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