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在医学技术高速发展的今天,一次性医疗用品所带来的好处和便利,已成为人们的共识。那么,医疗仪器的外罩能否也有一次性材料制作呢?长期以来,各个医院贵重医疗仪器的遮灰和保护,均采用布外罩,其缺点是:1.外观上与整体医疗环境不符;2.容易成为卫生死角,成为医院内交叉感染的感染源之一;3.被污染后不易清洗;4.由于制作上的不便利,使布外罩长期不更换,破损或沾染上各种不易清洗的污渍后,既不美观又会造成患者心理上的压力,影响治疗和护理,从而破坏医院的整体形象。鉴于以上几点,本人设想采用无纺布制作成一次性医疗仪器的外罩,优点有;1.美观整洁、价格低廉;2.破损或污染 With the rapid development of medical technology, the benefits and convenience of disposable medical products have become the consensus of people. So, can medical equipment cover also have a one-time material production? For a long time, each hospital’s precious medical equipment cover and protection, use cloth cover, its disadvantages are: 1. Appearance and the overall medical environment does not match; 2. Easy to become a health corner, becoming one of the infection sources in the hospital for cross infection; 3. It is difficult to clean after being contaminated; 4. Due to the inconvenience of the production, the cloth cover is not replaced for a long time, and it is damaged or contaminated with various difficult-to-clean stains. Afterwards, it is not only beautiful, but also causes psychological pressure on the patients, affecting treatment and nursing, thereby undermining the overall image of the hospital. In view of the above points, I envisaged the use of non-woven fabric made into a disposable medical device cover, the advantages are: 1. Beautiful and clean, low price; 2. Damage or pollution
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溪流按蚊(Anopheles fluviatilis)是印度的东部和北部、尼泊尔、中国、伊朗南部及泰国等国家山林地区疟疾的主要传播媒介。根据多线染色体的带型,溪流按蚊复合体已记述3种,
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预防医院感染 ,提高医疗质量 ,提高医院管理水平是一项十分重要的工作。为了更好地预防和控制医院感染 ,将医疗质量管理工作规范化、标准化、系统化 ,我们对医院感染的现状进
菊科植物Samallanthus sonchifolius在秘鲁用作延年益寿药。研究认为,该植物有降血糖作用。本次探讨了Samallanthus sonchifolius叶对2型糖尿病模型小鼠的降血糖和降血脂活性