
来源 :中国史研究动态 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liliqqqq
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中国海洋史学兴起于20世纪90年代。厦门大学杨国桢教授研究中国海洋史多年,近期出版的10卷本、300万字《中国海洋文明专题研究》,是他此前主编海洋史研究系列《海洋与中国丛书》和《海洋中国与世界丛书》的延伸,引起了学界和社会的广泛关注,为中国海洋史学研究的深化与发展奠定了坚实的基础。他所提倡的摆脱陆地史观范式,以海洋为本位研究方法,在“一带一路”和“海洋强国”的国家战略背景下更具学理价值和现实意义。 Chinese maritime history rose in the 1990s. Professor Yang Guozhen of Xiamen University has been studying the history of the oceans and seas in China for many years and recently published 10 volumes and 3 million words of Special Topic on the Study of Maritime Civilization in China. He is the author of “Ocean and China Series” and “Ocean China and the World Series” The extension has aroused widespread concern in academia and society and lays a solid foundation for the deepening and development of the study of marine history in China. What he advocated to get rid of the paradigm of land history was based on the ocean-based research method and was more academic and practical in the context of the national strategy of “Belt and Road” and “Ocean Power”.
The present study is designed to investigate the regulatory effect of mammalian erythroblasts, prior to naturally-occurring denucleation, on malignancy of mouse
【摘要】重叠在世界语言中都是比较常见的一种语言现象。在韩国语中,重叠现象也是存在于音韵、形态、句法各个方面。韩国语的动词、形容词、名词等词类,将具有相同或相似音的形态素结合在一起构成这种重叠词。韩国学者对于重叠现象的研究由来已久,但大多数都是着眼于音韵这一角度进行研究。本文就以韩国语形容词为中心,从形态、句法、语义等角度对韩国语形容词的特点进行探究。  【关键词】形容词 重叠 形态 句法 语义  