
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(神经病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cygggg
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Objective: This study aimed to investigate previously observed side effects, i .e. increased epileptic activity during clonidine medication. The safety and eff ectiveness of clonidineas spike inducing agent compared to sleep deprivation wer e tested. Methods: Patients suffering from drug-resistant localization related epilepsy took part in 3 magnetoencephalography(MEG) sessions. One session was re corded without any activating measures. The other two sessions were either perfo rmed after sleep deprivation or after medication with clonidine. Target paramete r was the number of spikes or sharp-waves during a 30 min recording period. Res ults: About 67%of the patients showed increased spike activity after clonidine, whereas sleep deprivation increased the number of spikes in 33%, and 29%of the patients did not show any activatio n at all. Clonidine was most effective in temporal lobe epilepsy, when the focus was located in the right hemisphere, and when clonidine serum concentrations we re ranging between 0.6 and 1.0 ng/ml. Conclusions:This study showed for the firs t time that clonidine can be considered an effective spike or sharp-wave induci ng drug that is superior to the potency of sleep deprivation. Significance: The administration of clonidine increases the probability of recording ictal and int erictal epileptic activity during limited acquisition time. Objective: This study aimed to previously observed side effects, i. E. Increased epileptic activity during clonidine medication. The safety and effctiveness of clonidineas spike inducing agent compared to sleep deprivation wer e tested. Methods: Patients suffering from drug-resistant localization One session was re-corded without any activating measures. The other two sessions were either perfo rmed after sleep deprivation or after with clonidine. Target paramete r was the number of spikes or sharp- waves during a 30 min recording period. Res ults: About 67% of the patients showed increased spike activity after clonidine, compared to sleep deprivation increased the number of spikes in 33%, and 29% of the patients did not show any activatio n at all . Clonidine was most effective in temporal lobe epilepsy, when the focus was located in the right hemisphere, and when clonidine serum concentrations we e ranging between 0.6 and 1.0 ng / ml. Conclusions: This study showed for the firs t time that clonidine can be considered an effective spike or sharp-wave induci ng drug that is superior to the potency of sleep deprivation. Significance: The administration of clonidine increases the probability of recording ictal and int erictal epileptic activity during limited acquisition time.
小胖墩,爬楼梯,  一二三四五六七……  爬到三楼腿软软,  爬到五楼喘喘气;  小狗“汪汪”喊“加油”,  猫咪“妙妙”来鼓励。  爸爸噔噔向上跑,  回头送他一个“V”;  电梯阿姨跷拇指,  直夸胖墩有志气!  洒把汗珠再登梯啊,  减肥之梦定实现啊!  一二三四五六七……
数学在生活和生产中的应用比较广泛,与人们生活息息相关,特别是在小学阶段,数学教学的重要性极其重要。如何在小学阶段,使学生养成良好的学习习惯,是小学数学教学的一项重要工作。基于此,提高小学数学教学的效率值得所有教师认真研究。本文系笔者多年来的工作经验积累,从影响小学数学教学效率的因素和提高小学数学教学效率的方法两方面进行了论述,希望能够与大家一同探讨交流。  【关键词】小学数学;教学效率;提高  随
有一道儿童智力题是这样的:一根木头上有 5只青蛙,其中 3只准备跳下去,问木头上还有几只青蛙 ?正确的答案为木头上仍有 5只青蛙。这道题的有趣之处在于告诉孩子们一个事实:准备跳
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Background: Migraine, particularly with aura, is a risk factor for early-onse t ischemic stroke. The underlying mechanisms are unknown, but may in part be due t