
来源 :中国激光 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wuwuwujduuez
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Energy transport in femtosecond laser ablation can be divided into two stages: 1) laser energy absorptionby electrons during the pulse irradiation, and 2) phase change stage that absorbed energy redistributes in bulk materialsleading to material removals. We review challenges in understanding the phase change process mainly for the femtosecondablation of wide bandgap materials at the intensities on the order of 1013~1014 W/cm2.Thermal vaporizationand Coulomb explosion are two major mechanisms considered for material removals. Based on the discussions ofenergy transport, the estimation equations and unsolved problems for threshold fluence and ablation depth are presented. Energy transport in femtosecond laser ablation can be divided into two stages: 1) laser energy absorptionby electrons during the pulse irradiation, and 2) phase change stage that absorbed energy redistributes in bulk materials toading material removals. We review challenges in understanding the phase change process mainly for the femtosecond ablation of wide bandgap materials at the intensities on the order of 1013-1014 W / cm2.Thermal vaporization and Coulomb explosion are two major mechanisms considered for material removals. Based on the discussions ofenergy transport, the estimation equations and unsolved problems for threshold fluence and ablation depth are presented.
本文以中国境内突厥语族语言为主,对突厥语族语言的传据类型进行初步归纳,并对典型传据类型语法标记的基本意义和主要功能做简要分析。 Based on the Turkic language in Ch
人生而平凡,却无时不向往伟大,如果做不到伟大,围观自然的壮丽总可以做到吧。当大量的国人跟在导游的小旗后面,走着整齐划一的旅行社线路时,年轻力壮的背包客们却把EBC——Everest Base Camp(珠穆朗玛峰地区徒步路线)和ACT——Annapurna Circuit Trek(安娜普尔纳大环线)徒步当做了人生的必登峰。他们相信,吃苦有时也是一种幸福。  15天的安娜普尔纳大环线徒步,我吃着简