双关语在写文章用词造句中是常用的。这种双关语表面上说的是一个意思,而暗中隐藏着另一个意思,读起来幽默、风趣、生动。最近我去了一趟四川奉节的白帝城,在唐代大诗人刘禹锡竹枝词碑廊中,重读了他流放巴楚间写的竹枝词:“杨柳青青江水平,闻郎江上唱歌声。东边日出西边雨,道是无情还有情。”这是一首情歌,第三四句写的是天气的阴晴,说它没“晴”吧,还有“晴”,而实际是表达人的情感,说他没“情”还有“情”,真是一语双关,妙趣横生。 从这首竹枝词我想到了漫画的创作。长期从事
Pinyin is often used in writing sentences. This pun on the surface that is a meaning, and secretly hidden another meaning, read humorous, funny, vivid. Recently, I went to Baidi City in Fengjie, Sichuan Province, and reread Zhu Zhijian, an excuse of exile in Bachu, from the monument to the great poet Liu Zhuxi in the Tang Dynasty: “Yang Liuqing’s level of the Qingjiang River, singing on the Lang Lang River. Rain, the road is ruthless still love. ”This is a love song, the third four is the weather is cloudy, that it did not“ sunny ”it, and“ sunny ”, and actually is the expression of human emotion, said He did not “love” and “love” is really a pun, fun. From this Zhuzhici I think of comic creation. Has long been engaged