
来源 :中国科学:技术科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luhy1123
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针对可溶盐溶液在陶质文物多孔孔隙中的运移与分布、结晶过程中的热力学变化以及引起陶质酥粉的破坏作用力等研究报道的空白,本文利用红外热成像分析和超景深显微观察引起陶质文物酥粉最为典型的可溶盐Na Cl溶液在结晶过程以及在不同毛细孔中所发生的温度、形态、运移和结晶速率等变化,结果表明:可溶盐晶核的形成和晶体生长主要处于低于环境温度的液相区域内进行,之后处于潮解状态的盐结晶体由于液相水分挥发的吸合作用变得更为紧密.同时,盐溶液在不同孔径毛细孔中结晶状态有所区别,在毛细管中的运移和结晶主要以3个阶段为主;采用自行设计的双层接触表面内压法以及超景深显微系统测试盐溶液结晶过程中对接触表面所产生的作用力,发现除了水分子的范德华力和结晶过程中的结晶作用力外,引起变化最为明显的是处于潮解状态的盐晶体在到完全失水干燥过程中水分挥发引起结晶体的吸合作用,这种作用对周围接触表面产生明显的收缩影响,变化非常显著.本文从微观角度研究可溶盐溶液的结晶变化以及作用力分析,作为基础研究,以期为进一步如何有效地防止可溶盐对多孔文物破坏采取的保护方案提供科学依据. In view of the migration and distribution of soluble salt solution in the porous pores of pottery relics, the thermodynamic changes in the crystallization process and the destructive forces that cause the breakdown of ceramic powder, the infrared thermal imaging analysis and deep depth of field Micro-observation caused the change of temperature, morphology, migration and crystallization rate of the most typical soluble salt Na Cl solution in the crystallization process and in different capillary pores. The results showed that the soluble salt crystal nucleus Formation and crystal growth are mainly carried out in the liquid region below the ambient temperature, after which the salt crystals in the deliquescent state become more compact due to the pull-in action of liquid-phase water volatility At the same time, the salt solution crystallizes in the pores of different pore sizes The state is different, the migration and crystallization in the capillary mainly in three stages; using self-designed double contact surface pressure method and the depth of field microscopy system salt solution crystallization process on the contact surface generated Forces, found that in addition to the van der Waals force of water molecules and the crystallization process of crystallization force, the most obvious changes caused by the salt crystal in deliquescence state In the process of complete dehydration and drying, the evaporation of water caused the pull-in action of the crystal, and this effect had a significant shrinkage effect on the surrounding contact surface, and the change was very significant.This paper studied the crystal change and force analysis of the soluble salt solution from the microscopic point of view , As a basic research, with a view to provide scientific basis for how to effectively prevent the soluble salt from protecting the destruction of porous cultural relics.
科学时报2013-09-13报道:近日,法国Arjowiggins纸业公司研制出一款新式印刷型电子产品—使用纯纤维纸作为基质的智能纸。这款名为Power Coat的产品打消了社会上对印刷型电子