群策群力 办好《山西农业科学》

来源 :山西农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:FUHENGBIN
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《山西农业科学》创刊于1961年1月,到1966年8月共出版36期,“文革”期间停刊。1977年7月,山西省召开了农业科学大会;1978年3月,全国科学大会在京举行;特别是党的十一届三中全会以后,我国科学技术事业迅速恢复和发展,呈现出欣欣向荣的局面。经过一段筹备,《山西农业科学》于1979年10月正式复刊,至1992年又出版158期。为了适应我省农业科学技术与社会主义农业市场经济发展的新形势,经有关部门批准,《山西农业科学》从1993年起改为学报类学术性期刊,由月刊改为季刊,主要刊登研究报告、学术论文和综合述评等。同时,将通过别的方式,加强农业科技的普及工作。本刊过去按年月依 “Shanxi Agricultural Sciences” was founded in January 1961, published in August 1966 a total of 36 issues, “Cultural Revolution” during the suspension. In July 1977, Shanxi Province held an agricultural science conference; in March 1978, the National Science Conference was held in Beijing; especially after the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, China’s science and technology undertook rapid restoration and development, showing a thriving scene . After a period of preparations, “Shanxi Agricultural Sciences” was officially re-published in October 1979 and published 158 issues in 1992. In order to adapt to the new situation of agricultural science and technology and socialist market economy in our province, with the approval of relevant departments, “Shanxi Agricultural Sciences” was changed to academic journals from 1993 to the quarterly magazine, mainly published in the research report , Academic papers and comprehensive reviews. At the same time, we will strengthen the popularization of agricultural science and technology through other means. Articles in the past by month
1995年6月18日下午6时,广西东兰县坡峨乡塘美村坡些屯,发生了一起耕牛触电死亡事故。 坡峨街变压器通往塘美村甲坤组的低压线路横架于坡的半腰中间,大同乡邮电所至坡峨乡的
应用 该机主要应用是导弹制导。它是专用的联机计算机,与制导系统同步运行。 程序设计和计数系统 内部数制 二进制 二进制位/字 24 二进制位/指令 17 The main application
作者认为,深化改革、依法治腐、加强监督、强化教育是反腐败的治本之策。 The author believes that to deepen the reform, to rule corruption according to law, to stre