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1996年是我国“九五”计划的头一年。4月15日至18日,全国沿海渔船检验处(局)、渔船检验站和内陆各省船检处领导一起汇集京城,参加了在京召开的全国渔船检验工作会议,认真总结“八五”期间渔船检验工作,研究“九五”期间渔船检验工作的目标和1996年工作安排。 “八五”期间,渔船检验部门在各级渔业行政主管部门的领导和支持下,认真贯彻“健全法规,提高素质,严格检验,文明服务”的指导方针,依靠全体职工的团结协作和辛勤工作,使渔船检验事业稳步发展。目前,全国渔船检验系统拥有沿海各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市级机构14个、重点渔港渔船检验站47个、县站263个,专兼职船检人员1300余人;内陆地区7个重点渔业省设立了渔船检验机构,共有地县机构264个,专兼职船检人员近800人,已初步形成覆盖全国沿海和重点内陆地区、与渔业生产紧密结合的渔船检验系统。“八五”期间,农业部发布实施了《中华人民共和国渔业船舶监督检验管理规 1996 is the first year of our Ninth Five-Year Plan. From April 15 to April 18, the National Coastal Fishing Vessel Inspection Office (Bureau), the Fishing Vessel Inspection Station and the leaders of the inland provincial shipping inspection offices brought together the capital to participate in the national fishing vessel inspection work conference held in Beijing, earnestly summarizing the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period Fishing vessel inspection work to study the target of fishing vessel inspection work during the Ninth Five-year Plan and the work schedule for 1996. During the Eighth Five-Year Plan period, under the leadership and support of the fishery administrative departments at all levels, the inspection department of fishing vessels conscientiously implemented the guidelines of “improving laws and regulations, improving quality, strictly examining and civilized service”, relying on the unity and cooperation of all staff and workers and hard work , The steady development of the fishing vessel inspection business. Currently, the national fishing vessel inspection system has 14 municipal-level agencies in coastal provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning, with 47 major fishing port fishing boat inspection stations, 263 county stations and over 1,300 part-time ship seizure personnel; and 7 key fisheries in inland areas The province has set up a fishing vessel inspection agency with a total of 264 prefectural and county agencies and nearly 800 full-time part-time ship seizure inspectors. A fishing vessel inspection system covering the whole country’s coastal areas and key inland areas has been initially formed to closely integrate with fishery production. During the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” period, the Ministry of Agriculture promulgated and implemented the "Regulation of the People’s Republic of China on Surveillance and Inspection of Fishery Vessels
目的 探讨足趾末梢血氧饱和度动态监测在闭合性腘动脉伤早期诊断中的作用。方法 选择自2011-01—2013-10诊治的60例高能量损伤导致的膝关节及其周围骨折和(或)膝关节脱位患者,
骨斑点症是一种罕见疾病,临床报道较少,笔者于2010年收治1例疑似骨斑点症患者,现报告如下。1病例报告患者,女,21岁,因停经4个月,下腹胀痛伴阴道不规则出血3 d收入本院妇产科,
笔者于2015-07收治1例左侧锁骨中1/3骨折,术中发现锁骨上静脉及变异神经束,报道如下。1病例报道患者,男,60岁,因摔伤致左侧锁骨骨折1 h而入院。X线检查显示左侧锁骨中1/3骨折