Mechanical Analysis of Dead Load Crown and Structure Parameter of Hydraulic Elastic Bulging Roll

来源 :Journal of Iron and Steel Research(International) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jie_169
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The dead load crown of hydraulic elastic bulging roll was discussed using the theory of elastically supported beam,and the dead load experiment was carried out. The theoretical calculation is consistent with the experimental result. The structure parameters for the thickness of roll sleeve,the length of the oil groove and the crown of roll were discussed. The fundamental principle of determining the parameters was put forward. The theoretical basis of the application of the hydraulic elastic bulging roll was established. The dead load crown of hydraulic elastic bulging roll was discussed using the theory of elastically supported beam, and the dead load experiment was carried out. The theoretical calculation is consistent with the experimental result. The structure parameters for the thickness of roll sleeve, the length of the oil groove and the crown of roll were discussed. The fundamental principle of determining the parameters was put forward. The theoretical basis of the application of the hydraulic elastic bulging roll was established.
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女性的一生要经历7个期,即胎儿期、新生儿期、幼童期、青春期、性成熟期、围绝经期、老年期。卵巢对女性影响很大,更年期主要就是因为卵巢功能的衰退所致。卵巢里有很多卵泡,卵泡分泌激素支持身体的多项功能。35岁以后,卵泡就逐渐萎缩了,这是一个客观事实,是自然规律,所以女性40岁以后就进入更年期了。外界环境的污染、情志的紧张都会使得卵泡提早萎缩,出现早衰。  35岁左右,是女性事业的上升期,而这一时期的生殖