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辛·吉尼普的父亲生重病时已经60岁了,由于曾经是俄亥俄州的拳击冠军,凭借硬朗的身体才一直挺了过来。那天吃罢晚饭,父亲把家人召到病榻前。他一阵接一阵地咳嗽,在艰难地用眼睛扫过每个人后,他缓缓地开始了讲述:“那是一次全州的冠军对抗赛,对手是个人高马大的黑人拳击手,我一次次被对方击倒,牙齿也出血了。休息时,教练鼓励我说:‘你不痛,你一定能挺到第12局!’我也说‘:不痛。我能应付过去!’我跌倒了 Xin Ji Yin Pip’s father was 60 years old when he became seriously ill and had been able to survive because he had been a boxing champion in Ohio. That day eat dinner, his father called his sick bed. He coughed after a while, sweeping his eyes hard after everyone, and he started telling him slowly: ”It was a statewide championship match against a big black boxer and I was once Time was knocked down by the other side, the teeth also bleeding. At rest, the coach encouraged me to say: ’You do not hurt, you must be able to stand in the twelfth Board!’ I also said ’: no ​​pain, I can handle the past!’ I fall It’s
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对今天的作家来说,“文化市场”任何时候都存在,如果说市场是对作家的考验,那么拒绝市场同样也是一种考验 For today’s writers, the “cultural market” exists at any t