The patient, male, 36 years old, came to the clinic 7 times because of his wife’s miscarriage. The abortion time was 6 to 2 months after pregnancy, 1 case of stillbirth, and the induced labor was given at 7 months. The two sides phenotype normal, non-relatives get married. His wife had no history of pregnancy and the history of their harmful exposure, gynecological examination showed no abnormalities. Both husband and wife take the peripheral blood for cytogenetic examination, conventional production, G-banding, the median of each cell count 30 cells. His wife’s normal karyotype. The patient’s karyotype was 46, XY, t (7; 21) (7Pter → 7q22 :: 21q22 → 21qter; 21pter → 21q22 :: 7q22 → 7qter), a chromosomally balanced translocation. Balance is the most common chromosomal abnormalities in habitual abortion, translocation involves the number of chromosomes. Although patients have no important genetic material loss,