
来源 :中国水稻科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mikamireiko
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以甬优系列籼粳杂交稻中熟类型品系为试材,常规粳稻宁粳3号和武运粳29、杂交籼稻丰两优香1号和新两优6380为对照,比较各类型在穗部特征、叶片形态以及茎秆特性上的差异。结果表明,1)依据甬优系列籼粳杂交稻两年中的产量表现,将其分成高产品系(产量>10.5 t/hm2)和中产品系(产量<10.5t/hm2)。两年中,甬优系列籼粳杂交稻高产品系为甬优2638、甬优2640、甬优1610、甬优1612和甬优1640,中产品系为甬优1851、甬优1852、甬优7753、甬优1763和甬优5854。产量构成因素方面,不同类型品种单株穗数、结实率和千粒重以常规粳稻最高,每穗粒数以高产品系最高。2)穗长以杂交籼稻最高,单穗重和着粒密度以高产品系最高;除穗下部二次枝粳籽粒数以杂交籼稻最高外,穗部其余5部位籽粒数均以高产品系、中产品系显著高于常规粳稻和杂交籼稻,且籽粒数以上部二次枝粳和中部二次枝粳的增加最为明显。3)上三叶的叶长和叶宽为中产品系>杂交籼稻>高产品系>常规粳稻,高产品系上三叶的卷曲率高于对应的中产品系;上部第1、2叶的叶基角和披垂角以高产品系最低。4)高产品系株高为118.7cm,高于常规粳稻(96.6cm),低于杂交籼稻(132.9cm)和中产品系(144.1cm);上部第1、2、3节间长度以中产品系最高、常规粳稻最低;穗长与穗下节间长占株高比例、穗下节间占秆长比例均以高产品系最低。单茎干质量、单茎鞘干质量、茎秆单位节间干质量以高产品系最高。提出了甬优籼粳交中熟高产品系的株型选育指标及配套高产栽培措施。 Taking the mid-ripe type lines of the japonica-japonica hybrid rice combination of Yongyou series as control materials, the conventional japonica rice Ningjing 3 and Wuyunjing 29, the hybrid indica rice Fengliangyu 1 and Xinliangyou 6380 as control, Characteristics, leaf morphology and stem characteristics of the differences. The results showed that: 1) According to the yield of Yongyou series indica - japonica hybrid rice in two years, it was divided into high yielding (> 10.5 t / hm2) and middle yielding (yielding <10.5 t / hm2). In the two years, the high-yielding lines of Yongyou series of indica-japonica hybrid rice were Yongyou 2638, Yongyou 2640, Yongyou 1610, Yongyou 1612 and Yongyou 1640. The middle lines were Yongyou 1851, Yongyou 1852, Yongyou 7753 , Yongyou 1763 and Yongyou 5854. Yield components, different types of varieties per plant spikes, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight to the highest conventional japonica, grains per spike to the highest high-yielding products. 2) The spike length was the highest in hybrid indica rice, the highest in single spike weight and grain density. The highest number of secondary spikelets in lower spikelet was the highest in hybrid indica rice, The middle product line was significantly higher than that of the conventional japonica and indica hybrid rice, and the increase of the secondary branch japonica and the middle secondary branch japonica above the grain number was the most obvious. 3) The leaf length and leaf width of the upper clover were middle-line> hybrid indica> high-yield line> conventional japonica rice. The curly rate of the upper clover of the high-yield line was higher than that of the corresponding middle line; Leaf base angle and drape angle to the highest product line the lowest. 4) The height of high-yielding lines was 118.7cm, higher than that of conventional rice (96.6cm), lower than that of hybrid indica rice (132.9cm) and middle-yielding line (144.1cm) The highest, the lowest conventional japonica rice; spike length and spike internode accounted for the proportion of plant height, spike internode accounted for the proportion of stalks were lowest in the high-yield lines. The dry weight of single stem, the dry weight of single stem, and the dry weight of stems internodes were the highest among the high yield lines. The plant type selection index and high yielding cultivation measures of Yongyou indica japonica hybrid rice with high yield were provided.
目的对不同急诊手段治疗阵发性室上性心动过速的临床效果进行研究和分析。方法 2011—2013年间该院共收治80例阵发性室上性心动过速患者,随机分组,将其分为4组,各20例,编号为