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武磊,字固之,号梅香子、印堂后人,别署瘦竹齐主,芙蓉堂主。现为中国书法家协会会员,山西书法家协会培训中心教授,山西省青联常委,山西省青年书法家协会副主席兼常务副秘书长,山西文联委员。书法作品先后入选、入展全国第五届、六届书法篆刻展;全国第五届、六届、七届、八届中青年书法篆刻展;全国首届、二届、四届楹联书法大展;全国首届、二届、四届正书大展;全国首届、二届书坛新人作品展;全国“神内杯”书法大赛金奖;先后在神龙杯、翰园杯、华北书法展等大赛中多次获大奖。获文化部首届书法群星奖银奖,全国首届公务员书法大赛三等奖。出版《武磊钢笔行书临古帖》、《赠书集萃钢笔字帖》等书。主编《中国硬笔书法百科全书》《青年必读文库》和《山西硬笔书法家精品集》等书。传略收录《中国当代书画家大辞典》、《东方之子》、《世界书画名录》等十多部辞书中。《山西日报》、山西电视台、《21世纪人才报》《青少年书法报》等有专题介绍,被评为山西省首届跨世纪文艺新星。 Wu Lei, word solid, plum incense, Yin Tang descendants, Department of thin bamboo Qi main, Furong Hall Lord. He is now a member of China Calligraphers Association, a professor of Shanxi Calligraphers Association Training Center, a member of Shanxi Youth Federation Standing Committee, a vice chairman of Shanxi Youth Calligraphers Association, and a deputy secretary general of Shanxi Calligraphy Federation. Calligraphy works have been selected, the exhibition entered the country the fifth, the sixth calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition; the fifth, sixth, seventh, eight young calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition; the first, second, fourth Lianhe calligraphy exhibition; The first, second, fourth Masters book exhibition; first, second session of the new book exhibition; National “God Cup” calligraphy contest gold medal; successively in the dragon cup, Han Yuan Cup, calligraphy exhibition and other competitions in North China Many awards. Won the first prize of the Ministry of Culture calligraphy Silver Star Award, the first civil service calligraphy competition third place. Published “Wu Lei pen line Pro ancient posts”, “book collection pen copybook” and other books. Editor of “China hard pen calligraphy encyclopedia” “must-read library for young people” and “Shanxi hard pen calligrapher boutique collection” and other books. Biography included “Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers,” “Son of the East,” “World Calligraphy directory” and more than 10 dictionaries. Shanxi Daily, Shanxi TV, “Talent Century 21” “Youth Calligraphers” and other special presentations, was named Shanxi Province’s first cross-century literary star.
上文说留学岁月,有忧忧喜,初出茅庐,出手艺惊四座,使西人嗔目,为国人争光。接下说热血青年,不羁个性,停薪留职,开创一番家业,引周遭哗然,让自己圆梦。 Said years of studyi