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多少年以来,广播公司和节目制作公司创作节目内容,通过电视网络向千家万户发送节目。正是在这些节目吸引下,逐步形成和发展了客户群及相应可预计的电视观众收视模式,核心即收视率评估体系。根据电视收视率系统的统计和分析,广告商每年花费上百亿美元在传统的“30秒”黄金时段打广告,向公众呈现产品和业务。在一系列复杂的契约和人际关系支撑下,传统电视广告业蓬勃发展了几十年,并展现出对外界各种变化的极强适应力。 For years, broadcasters and programming houses have created programming content that sends programs to millions of households over the television network. It is in these programs attracted, and gradually formed and developed a customer base and the corresponding predictable television viewing mode, the core rating system that ratings. Based on the statistics and analysis of the television ratings system, advertisers spend tens of billions of dollars a year advertising in the traditional “30 seconds” golden hours, presenting products and businesses to the public. Supported by a series of complex contracts and relationships, the traditional television advertising industry thrived for decades and showed great resilience to various changes in the outside world.
1名30岁男性患者,因上呼吸道感染未行皮试而静脉滴注头孢拉定1.0 g.0.5 h后出现全身皮疹伴瘙痒,经抗过敏治疗后稍缓解.第3天患者出现乏力、食欲不振、恶心,尿色深,皮肤、巩膜
电教手段在小学语文教学中的运用,对激发学生学习语文的兴趣、传授知识、进行语文基本功的训练、发展学生智力等方面有着极其重要的作用。 The use of audio-visual means i
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1.Production Situation The research and development of SBC dates back to the middle of 1970s in China.At that time,SBS was the main product.In 2007,the producli