
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxting86
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李光辉将军是原福州军区副参谋长。他1928年参加中国工农红军,1930年由团转党。土地革命战争时期中央苏区的第一次到第五次反“围剿”,举世闻名的二万五千里长征,抗日战争时期的平型关大捷、百团大战等,解放战争时期的隆化攻坚战、保卫张家口、辽沈战役中的塔山阻击战、平津战役中的怀来康庄追歼战、北平西部外围战等,都留下过他不怕牺牲,勇猛顽强,指挥得当的身影。建国后,他历任湖南军区零陵分区司令员、陆军三十一军副军长、闽北指挥部政委、高等军事学院政治部副主任、福州军区司令部副参谋长等职。1955年被授予少将军衔。当年,在李光辉将军的家乡,像他一样参加红军的有七八十人,但长征结束后只剩下他一个。长征中,作为红一方面军第三军团的一员,他的长征行程是整整两年而非一年。在枪林弹雨的万里征途上,在恶劣环境和生命极限的挑战中,他是如何走出来的?近期,将军的夫人披露了将军参加长征的一些珍闻轶事。 General Li Guanghui is the former deputy chief of staff of Fuzhou Military Region. He joined the Red Army of Chinese Workers and Peasants in 1928 and was transferred to the party by the delegation in 1930. During the War of Agra Revolution, the first to the fifth anti-encirclement and encirclement campaigns in the Central Soviet Area, the world-famous 25,000-mile long march, the victory in the Sino-Japanese War and the Hundred Regiments of War, the Longhua War of the Liberation War, The Battle of Tashan in the battle of Zhangjiakou and the Liao-Shen Campaign, the Huailai Kangzhuang chase-and-annihilation in the Pingjin Campaign, and the peripheral fighting in the western part of Peiping all left him with no fear of sacrifice, bravery and indomitable command. After the founding of the PRC, he served as commander of the Lingling sub-district of Hunan Military Region, deputy commander of the Army’s 31st Army, political commissar of the North Fujian Command, deputy director of the Political Department of the Higher Military Academy, and deputy chief of staff of the Fuzhou Military Region Command. In 1955 was awarded the rank of major general. In that year, there were about 70-80 people participating in the Red Army in his hometown, General Lee Kuan-hui, but only one left after the Long March. In the Long March, as part of the Third Corps of the Red Army, his long march was a full two years instead of a year. How did he emerge from the hail of bullets in the harsh environment and the limits of his life? Recently, the general’s wife disclosed some anecdote about the General’s participation in the Long March.
2010年4月19日,北京矿冶研究总院重组徐州国贸稀贵金属综合利用研究所,徐州国贸稀贵金属综合利用研究所成为北京矿冶研究总院全资子企业。 April 19, 2010, Beijing Mining
摄影专家Claire Gillo前往Cheddar峡谷拍摄雄伟壮观而细节丰富的黑白HDR风光照片高动态范围(HDR)摄影在风光摄影爱好者中非常流行。这种技术的基本原则就是用包围曝光拍摄一
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