Translational Science for Climate Services:Mapping and Understanding Users’Climate Service Needs in

来源 :气象学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fanfrong
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The Climate Science for Service Partnership China(CSSP China)is a joint program between China and the United Kingdom to build the basis for climate services to support the weather and climate resilient economic development and welfare in China.Work Package 5(WP5)provides the translational science on identification of:different users and providers,and their mandates;factors contributing to communication gaps and capacities between various users and providers;and mechanisms to work through such issues to develop and/or evolve a range of climate services.Key findings to emerge include that users from different sectors have varying capacities,requirements,and needs for information in their decision contexts,with a current strong preference for weather information.Separating climate and weather services when engaging users is often not constructive.Furthermore,there is a need to move to a service delivery model that is more user-driven and science informed;having sound climate science is not enough to develop services that are credible,salient,reliable,or timely for diverse user groups.Greater investment in building the capa-city of the research community supporting and providing climate services to conduct translational sciences and deve-lop regular user engagement processes is much needed.Such a move would help support the China Meteorological Administration’s(CMA)ongoing efforts to improve climate services.It would also assist in potentially linking a broader group of“super”users who currently act as providers and purveyors of climate services because they find the existing offerings are not relevant to their needs or cannot access CMA’s services.
摘要:在小学数学教学中培养学生的自主探究能力,是促进学生认知发展和学会学习的有效途径,教师一定要突出学生的主体地位,引导学生主动参与学习探索活动,让学生亲自经历和体验知识的获取过程,这样学生的自主探索能力就能得到培养,创新精神就能得到较大提高。  关键词:小学数学;自主探究能力  古人云:“授之以鱼不如授之以渔。”学生如果掌握了学习的方法,那就能使学习活动达到一个较高的境界,且终生受用。那么如何培
摘 要进入二十一世纪以来,新课程要求教师贯彻新课标精神,转变教学观念,提倡多元化的课堂教学,引导学生积极、主动地参与到课堂教学中,使他们成为课堂教学的真正主人,以达到培养学生自主学习和使用英语实际交流的能力。  【关键词】自主学习;交流  二十一世纪的中国正处于社会经济大发展的时期,在经济全球化以及信息化的发展形式下,中国必然要走上与世界接轨的脚步,因此,我国的社会发展和经济建设需要懂英语的人才,