Two Cases of Multi-antibiotic Resistant Cronobacter spp. Infections of Infants in China

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Infections by Cronobacter spp. are hazardous to infants since they can lead to neonatal meningitis, bacteremia, and necrotizing enterocolitis. Cronobacter spp. are frequently resistant to β-lactam derivatives, macrolides, and aminoglycosides. In addition, multi-resistant strains have also been detected. In China, the isolation rate of Cronobacter spp. from commercial powdered infant formula(PIF) or follow-up formula(FUF) is relatively high. Nevertheless, clinical cases of Cronobacter infection have been ignored to date. Here we describe two cases of Cronobacter infection detected at the Wuhan Women and Children Medical Care Center Hospital(Wuhan City, China). We provide the genomic analysis of the isolates and the antibiotic-resistance profiles of the two strains. The Cronobacter strains identified in this study were not susceptible to third-generation cephalosporins, aminoglycoside, and/or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Whole genome sequencing revealed various genes known to encode antibiotic resistance. Future studies are needed to determine whether the genes predicted in this study are functional. As with Enterobacter spp., the antibiotic resistance of Cronobacter is a serious issue that requires more attention. Infections by Cronobacter spp. Are hazardous to infants since they can lead to neonatal meningitis, bacteremia, and necrotizing enterocolitis. Cronobacter spp. Are frequently resistant to β-lactam derivatives, macrolides, and aminoglycosides. In addition, multi-resistant strains have also been detected. In China, the isolation rate of Cronobacter spp. from commercial powdered infant formula (PIF) or follow-up formula (FUF) is relatively high. of Cronobacter infection detected at the Wuhan Women and Children Medical Care Center Hospital (Wuhan City, China). We provide the genomic analysis of the isolates and the antibiotic-resistance profiles of the two strains. The Cronobacter identified in this study were not susceptible to third-generation cephalosporins, aminoglycoside, and / or trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. Whole genome sequencing revealed various genes known to encode a Future studies are needed to determine whether the genes predicted in this study are functional. As with Enterobacter spp., the antibiotic resistance of Cronobacter is a serious issue that requires more attention.
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