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“一生痴绝处,无梦到徽州。”800多年的文化积淀曾使徽州大地如此厚重和儒雅。然而,随着时间的流逝,新安医学、程朱理学、新安画派、徽菜徽剧和徽州民俗等古文化已渐行渐远淡出人们的视线,而今留在人们心中最直接最现实的徽州文化,恐怕只有那集山川风景之灵气,融风俗文化之精华,按阴阳五行之说,依山傍水以达“天人合一”境界的徽派古村落了。可如今,这些古村落的原始形态(水口、水街、石板路、马头墙)已遭受严重破坏,新建、改建民居势头愈演愈烈,相当多的文物建筑环境文化在风雨侵蚀中消逝坍塌,世界各地的文物贩子纷至沓来,部分民宅构件、古民居被大量非法收购、整体拆搬,甚至漂洋过海到异国去安家落户了。继皖南石台县古驿站“翠屏居”茶楼外迁瑞典被当地政府紧急叫停之后,前不久上海宝山区的一家生态休闲园整体“搬迁”12幢来自休宁、歙县等地的徽派古宅,此举再次引发有关皖南古民居如何保护与开发的争议热潮。有识之士担心,若干年后,或许徽州人真的要到外地去考察徽州文化了。 “Life crazy place, no dream to Huizhou. ” 800 years of cultural accumulation had Huizhou land so thick and refined. However, with the passage of time, ancient cultures such as Xin’an Medical School, Cheng Zhu Li School, Xin’an School of Painting, Hui Ban Hui Opera and Huizhou Folk Custom have faded away from people’s attention and now stay in the most direct and realistic Huizhou Culture, I am afraid that only the collection of aura of mountain scenery, melt the essence of customs culture, according to the five elements of yin and yang, Yishanbangshui up to the “harmony between man and nature” realm of the ancient Anhui village. However, the original forms of these ancient villages (Shuikou, Shuidai, Shibalu and Ma Tauqiang) have been severely damaged. The momentum of newly built and renovated houses has become increasingly fierce. Quite a lot of cultural relics have disappeared in the course of weather erosion, and the world over Of cultural relics dealers after another, part of the house components, ancient houses were a large number of illegal acquisitions, the overall removal, or even across the sea to a foreign country to settle down. Following the southern Anhui Shitai ancient inn “Cuiping home ” relocation of the restaurant in Sweden was stopped by the local government emergency stop, shortly before the Baoshan District, Shanghai, an ecological leisure park overall “relocation” 12 from Xiuning, Pixian Anhui and other places of ancient houses, this once again lead to the ancient houses in southern Anhui how to protect and develop the controversial craze. People of insight worry, a few years later, perhaps Huizhou people really want to go to the field to study Huizhou culture.
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从几个方面关于中美文化的差别与价值做了比较.发掘中美文化中的差别是很有价值的。 The difference and value of Sino-U.S. Culture have been compared in several aspec