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银行间债市,一度被人认为是一个没有散户只有机构的市场,但他却与公众利益紧紧相连。4月中旬以来债市“大佬”陆续被查的消息刺激着整个市场的神经。此次针对债市黑幕的执法风暴已经超出了金融监管部门行政稽查的范畴,日前该案已经由公安部经济犯罪侦查局直接参与和主导,侦查范围涉及银行、信托、证券和基金等银行间市场所有参与主体。业内人士透露银行间债市存在着以上下级、亲属、同学和老同事等裙带关系相结合的利益共同体,横跨多种金融机构类型。这些人员利用债市一对一撮合的交易方式以及监管上的盲区,操纵机构自营账户和资产管理账户,轻则调节利润、重则搞利益输送,达到非法侵占的目的。在这些人操纵的账户里,有向客户募集的集合计划、公开发行的债券基金、企业年金账户。更让观者脊背发凉的是,此类职务犯罪可能迁延日久,共谋者过往即使被发现,也经常是转移到下家,像寄生虫一样危害新的宿主,彼此之间遥相呼应、相互配合。调查的窝案显示,在一年多的时间里,涉及的共谋者遍布北京、华东和华南的十多个机构。单个交易方的非法获利往往短短几个交易日就有数十万甚至上百万元。 The inter-bank bond market was once considered as a market without a retail-only institution, but he was closely linked to the public interest. Since mid-April the bond market “big brother ” one after another being investigated the news stimulated the nerve of the entire market. The law enforcement storm against the shady debt market has exceeded the scope of the administrative supervision of the financial regulatory authorities. Recently, the case was directly involved and led by the Economic Crime Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. The scope of the investigation involved interbank markets such as banks, trusts, securities and funds All participants. According to insiders, there is a community of interests that combines nepotism with relatives, classmates, colleagues and old colleagues in the inter-bank bond market across a wide range of financial institutions. These people use the bond market one-on-one matching transactions as well as regulatory blind spots, operating agencies self-management accounts and asset management accounts, ranging from profit adjustment, relying on the transfer of benefits, to achieve the purpose of illegal encroachment. Among the accounts manipulated by these people, there are a pool plan to raise funds with clients, a publicly issued bond fund, and an enterprise annuity account. More let the viewer cool back is that such job-related crimes may be protracted, conspirators in the past even if they were found, it is often transferred to the next house, the same as the parasites endanger the new host, echo each other, each other Cooperation. The investigation shows that over a year’s time, the conspirators involved were in more than 10 agencies in Beijing, East China and South China. Illegal profits from individual counterparties tend to have hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars in just a few trading days.