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有生命力的特色课程不是顺势造出来的,而是应学生发展需要生长出来的。学校的特色发展与其课程创新密不可分。一个成熟的、有特色的课程体系,不但能够促进学生全面而有个性的发展,而且能够促进教师的专业发展,并最终促进学校的特色发展、多样发展和风榕形成。但需要指出的是,有生命力的特色课程不是顺势造出来的,而是应学生发展需要生长出来的。上大附中《20世纪新诗阅读鉴赏与写作》这一创新课程就是在这样的背景之 Vital characteristics of the course is not created by the homeopathy, but should be developed to meet the needs of students. The characteristic development of a school is inextricably linked with its curriculum innovation. A mature and distinctive curriculum system can not only promote students’ comprehensive and individual development, but also promote the professional development of teachers and eventually promote the development of schools, diversified development and the formation of wind. However, it should be pointed out that the characteristic courses with vitality are not produced by the homeopathy but rather developed according to the students’ development needs. On the background of this innovative course of “Reading Appreciation and Writing of 20th Century New Poems”
A series of experiments of the premixing stage of fuel-coolant interactions (FCI), namely the particles falling into water, were carried out. The force on the p
今年1月18日,张通代表中国和亚太通信卫星有限公司在北京签订了用长征二号E捆绑火箭发射“亚太二号”通信卫星的发射服务合同,为世人瞩目。 张通告诉记者,亚太二号通信卫星
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用CT 定位锥颅血肿碎吸术治疗高血压脑出血32 例,近期疗效按ADL 分级:Ⅰ级5 例,占19 .23 % ,Ⅱ级6 例,占23 .30 % ,Ⅲ级8 例,占30 .73 % ,Ⅳ级6 例,占23 .30 % ,Ⅴ级1 例,占3 .84 % 。术后死亡6 例,占18 .75 % 。对手术优点,手术时机及手术