
来源 :农村科学实验 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaofei3310
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一、掐尖与打杈的作用有的作物需要掐顶尖,有的作物顶尖和侧枝尖都要掐,有的作物需要打杈,有的作物掐尖和打杈都要进行。这样做是为了合理地调节植株体内营养物质的分配和运输,协调营养生长和生殖生长的矛盾,使养分集中供给有效花果,对防止贪青徒长,促进早熟,提高产量,改善果实品质都有重要的作用。二、掐尖与打杈的技术 1、棉花:在进行整枝管理时,一要进行打水杈,即除掉第一个果枝以下的叶枝,应在果枝与叶枝明显分开时进行;二要打顶尖,既不能过早,也不能过晚,要因地制宜确定日期;三要打围尖,即打去果枝的尖梢,当每 First, the pinch tip and the role of twigs Some crops need to pinch the top, and some crop tip and pinch to pinch, and some crops need to fight twisting, and some crop pinch point and twigs should be carried out. This is done in order to reasonably regulate the distribution and transport of nutrients in plants, to coordinate the contradiction between vegetative and reproductive growth, and to concentrate nutrient supply on effective flower and fruit, and to prevent corruption, increase precociousness, increase yield and improve fruit quality Important role. Second, the pinch tip and the technique of breaking the twig 1, cotton: pruning in the management, we must first play a water bifurcation, that is, get rid of the first foliage below the fruiting branch should be in the branches and leaf branches were clearly separated when; Top, neither too early, nor too late, to date to determine the local conditions; three to play apron, that hit the tip of the fruiting branch, when each
肝细胞肝癌(Hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)是目前世界范围内最常见也是致死率最高的癌种之一,严重威胁了全球人民的身体健康,探明肝癌的发生发展机制对于肝癌患者的治疗,延长病
研究目的:  原发性肝癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)是一种常见的人类恶性肿瘤,发病机制极其复杂。从美国FDA批准的治疗HCC一线用药索拉非尼(Sorafenib,Sor)应用于临床以来
1991年磐石县官马镇采用抛秧种稻的面积只有0.2公顷,1993年达到330公顷,占全镇水田面积的44%。那么,除了当地政府和农技部门的努力外,农民为什么欢迎这种栽培方式呢? In 19
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Dear editor,Cooperative relaying has been proven to be capable of improving the reliability and throughput of wireless transmissions[1,2],and thus its applicati
摘要 体育电视节目的娱乐化是当前体育电视节目发展的趋势,是体育事业和电视事业向平民化和娱乐化发展的必然结果。体育电视节目形式多样、内容广泛,本文从体育赛事报道、人物报道、赛事解说和评论节目四种形式的娱乐化发展进行分析。本文的研究对于中国体育电视节目发展方向的探索起到了积极作用。  关键词:体育 电视节目 娱乐化  中图分类号:J902 文献标识码:A  引言  随着人们生活水平的发展,体育已经不仅