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由中国期刊协会科技期刊委员会、北京市、天津市、上海市、重庆市科技期刊编辑学会主办的京、津、沪、渝四直辖市科技期刊主编研讨会于1997年10月26日—30日在渝举行。出席会议的有京、津、沪、渝四直辖市科技期刊编辑学会的负责人和科技期刊主编近80人。重庆市政协副主席窦瑞华、市科委主任张勤、市科协副主席王华炳和中国科协普及部的张力军同志出席了会议并分别作了讲话。四直辖市科技期刊编辑学会的负责人彭圣浩、张润生、王林珍、钟学恒在开幕式后分别全面介绍了本会的工作情况。本次会议是在全国人民认真学习和贯彻党的十五大会议精神,高举邓小平理论的伟大旗帜,为把我国的社会主义现代化建设进一步推向前进的大好形势下召开的。会议的中心议题是:“在社会主义市场经济条件下,科技期刊面临的形势与任务,机遇与挑战,对策与出路”和“出精品,创名牌”。会议共收到论文近20篇。《工程机械》主编张全根、《大众医学》副社长王伟海、《科技与出版》主编李福海、国家科委西南信息中心副主任曾晓东等代表分别就“相辅相成的两个效益观”、“坚持特色是办刊之本”、“关于出版类期刊定位的思考”、“论科技期刊的市场定位”等进行了大会论文交流;《地质前缘》副主编王小龙、《上海科技年鉴》常务副主? Journals of Science and Technology Journals of Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing Municipality under the auspices of the Journals of Science and Technology Journals of China Association of Periodicals, Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing Science and Technology Periodical Editing Society were held on October 26-30, 1997 Yu held. Attended the meeting are Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai and Chongqing municipal science and Technology Journals Editorial Association chief and scientific and technological journals editor nearly 80 people. Dou Ruihua, vice chairman of CPPCC Chongqing Municipality, Zhang Qin, director of Municipal Science and Technology Commission, Wang Huaping, vice-chairman of Tianjin Municipal Science and Technology Association, and Comrade Zhang Lijun, general manager of China Science and Technology Association attended the meeting and gave separate speeches. Peng Shenghao, Zhang Runsheng, Wang Linzhen and Zhong Xueheng, chief directors of the editorial boards of the four municipalities directly under the Central Government, introduced the work of this association after the opening ceremony. This meeting is held under the great situation in which the people of the whole country conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the 15th Party Congress, hold high the great banner of Deng Xiaoping Theory and push forward the socialist modernization in our country. The central theme of the conference was: “The situation and tasks, opportunities and challenges, countermeasures and solutions faced by sci-tech periodicals under the conditions of a socialist market economy” and “Outstanding products and brand names.” The conference received nearly 20 papers. Zhang Quangen, editor-in-chief of Construction Machinery, Wang Weihai, vice president of Volkswagen Medicine, Li Fuhai, editor in chief of Science and Technology and Zeng Xiaodong, deputy director of the Southwest Information Center of the State Science and Technology Commission, respectively discussed the two benefits of supplementing each other, “Is the source of running a journal,” “thinking about the orientation of publishing journals”, and “market positioning of sci-tech periodicals.” Wang Xiaolong, associate editor of “Frontier of Geology,” and “Deputy Chief of Shanghai Science and Technology Yearbook”
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The article establishes the patterns of urban snow disaster system and disaster chain based on the theory of regional disaster system. The patterns indicate tha