
来源 :中国计划免疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyaner
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为了掌握福建省各地计划免疫疫苗的损耗水平及其影响因素 ,以便指导疫苗概算和分配计划 ,为不同地区采取适当的接种方式提供科学依据 ,按不同地区、不同接种方式等分层随机抽查 9个县级单位、 5 4个乡级各种形式的接种点 ,统计各种疫苗损耗率。结果显示 :四种疫苗平均使用率为 5 4 0 2 % ,其中 :卡介苗为 2 8 6 5 % ,百白破混合制剂为 6 0 2 4% ,麻疹疫苗为49 5 0 % ,口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗为 6 9 93 %。乙型肝炎 (乙肝 )疫苗为 96 15 %。四种疫苗平均损耗系数在不同地域类型有显著差异 :城市最低 (1 70 ) ,沿海农村 (1 82 )次之 ,山区农村 (2 19)最高 ;分散式接种损耗系数 (2 2 3)明显高于村级集中接种 (1 96 )和乡级集中接种 (1 6 9) ;按日接种损耗系数 (1 93)、按周接种 (1 90 )和按月接种 (1 80 )差别较小 ;自费的乙肝疫苗损耗系数 (1 0 4)明显小于供应的四种疫苗。供应疫苗和超过 5人份大包装的疫苗是造成疫苗损耗的直接因素。提示应按不同地域类型计划分配疫苗 ,推广乡级集中式接种和依人口密度选择适当的接种周期是今后计划免疫管理的重点 In order to grasp the level of the immunization vaccine losses in Fujian Province and its influencing factors in order to guide the vaccine estimates and distribution plans for different regions to provide appropriate scientific basis for vaccination, according to different regions, different ways of vaccination stratified randomly selected 9 County-level units, 54 townships in various forms of vaccination points, statistics of various vaccine loss rates. The results showed that the average utilization rate of the four vaccines was 54.02%, of which: BCG was 286.5%, diphtheria mixed vaccine was 62.02%, measles vaccine was 49.0%, oral poliomyelitis The vaccine was 69 93%. Hepatitis B (hepatitis B) vaccine was 96 15%. The average loss coefficients of the four vaccines were significantly different in different geographical types: the lowest in urban areas (1 70), the coastal rural areas (1 82) and the highest in mountainous rural areas (2 19); the dispersion inoculation loss coefficient (22 3) was significantly higher At village level (1996) and township level (169), daily inoculation loss factor (1 93), weekly inoculation (1 90) and monthly inoculation (180) were less significant; at their own expense Hepatitis B vaccine loss factor (104) was significantly less than the four vaccines supplied. Vaccines are the direct cause of vaccine losses due to the availability of vaccines and large packs of more than 5 servings. Suggesting that vaccines should be planned according to different types of regions, promotion of centralized vaccination at the township level and selection of the appropriate vaccination cycle according to the population density are the key points for future immunization planning
目的:对经十二指肠镜沿正常生理通道治疗肝内胆管结石进行探讨。 方法:常规行ERCP、EST,合并肝外胆管结石先行ERCP取出结石,合并胆管狭窄行柱状气囊扩张术,再行肝管碎石及网篮
目的:评价原位肝移植术后患者行经内镜下逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)的适应症及效果。 方法:2001年10月至2007年10月,在广西医科大学第一附属医院行原位肝移植术后出现胆道并发症
利用人源的白细胞弹性蛋白酶建立了一种快速、微量、灵敏的高通量体外筛选方法。利用该模型从微生物菌种库菌株的次生代谢产物中筛选得到一阳性真菌F02ZA 2554。该菌株发酵