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北京律师业的发展可以用8个字概括:又大、又快、又强、又难。所谓大,主要体现在人多、所多、所大;资源优势大;业务领域广;社会影响大。所谓快,主要体现在律师人数、律所数量以及规模增长极快;在业务领域和地理范围上拓展速度极快;跟进社会需求和加强学习以满足需求的速度极快。所谓强,主要体现在单兵和集体素质都很高;应对问题和解决问题能力都很强;服务质量和效率都很高;社会效益和市场反应美誉度都很高。所谓难,主要体现在要控制发展速度与规模又保证良性发展不容易;打造法律人共同体职业荣耀与认同,改善就业环境,降低就业风险不容易;做大并且合理分配蛋糕,公平理性竞争,遏制两极分化不容易;解决贴近收入与贴近大众之间矛盾,全面深入提供服务不容易;经济效益与社会效益齐头并进,不留弱项不容易;解决切实全面服务于社会,同时拉近自我感觉与外界评价差距,与政府尤其与公、检、法部门保持良好关系不容易。总之,其整体面貌是:资源强势、规模巨大、雄踞高端、水平一流、上进自强、感觉良好、热心公益、任重道远。 The development of lawyers in Beijing can be summarized in eight words: big, fast, strong, hard. The so-called big, mainly reflected in the people, more, bigger; resource advantages; business areas wide; social impact. The so-called fast, mainly reflected in the number of lawyers, the number and size of law firms growing rapidly; business areas and geographic extent to expand very fast; follow the social needs and enhance learning to meet the demand at an extremely fast pace. The so-called strong, mainly reflected in the solitary soldier and the collective quality are high; deal with the problem and the ability to solve problems are strong; service quality and efficiency are high; social benefits and market response are high reputation. The so-called difficulty, mainly reflected in the control of the speed and scale of development and ensure that the healthy development is not easy; to create a community of legal professionals, professional glory and identity, to improve the employment environment, reduce employment risk is not easy; bigger and rational distribution of cake, fair and rational competition, containment It is not easy to solve the problem of polarization between income and the public. Comprehensive and in-depth service delivery is not easy. Economic and social benefits go hand in hand. It is not easy to solve the problem without weakness. Solving the problem of practicing social services in an all-round way, It is not easy to maintain good relations with the government, especially with the public security and prosecution departments. In short, its overall appearance is: resources are strong, large-scale, high-end, first-class, progressive, feel good, enthusiastic public welfare, long way to go.