半个世纪成果丰硕 展望未来任重道远——写在新疆人民出版社建社五十五周年之际

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55年,岁月如梭;55年,往事如歌……在“十一五”的开局之年,回首新疆人民出版社55年的发展之路,尤其是“十五”以来的历程,可以说6个文种图书、期刊的出版成果丰硕。党和政府的关怀、几代出版人的奉献和拼搏,成就了今天的新疆人民出版社。新疆人民出版社成立于1951年3月15日,是一个用维吾尔、汉、哈萨克、蒙古、柯尔克孜、锡伯6种文字出版图书、期刊的地方综合性出版社,55年来,累计出版 In the first year of “the 11th Five-year Plan”, reviewing the 55-year development path of Xinjiang People’s Publishing House, especially since the 10th Five-Year Plan, can be said 6 kinds of books, journals published fruitful. The care of the party and government, the dedication and hard work of several generations of publishers, the achievements of today’s Xinjiang People’s Publishing House. Founded on March 15, 1951, Xinjiang People’s Publishing House is a local comprehensive publishing house that publishes books and journals in 6 languages ​​including Uyghur, Han, Kazak, Mongolia, Kyrgyz and Xibe. Over the past 55 years, it has been published
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王心凌,台湾流行女歌手、演员。2003年以偶像歌手身份发行首张个人专辑Cyndi Begin,出道时被媒体称为新少男杀手。因其甜蜜的歌声和轻盈的舞步被亲切的称为“甜蜜教主”。200
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