裕兴是2000年中国企业界闯出来的一匹黑马。 当以新浪为首的中国网络公司还在憧憬着遥远的纳斯达克的时候,裕兴以大陆第一家企业,而且是民营高科技企业的身份在香港的创业板上市。一年前的1999年3月,当盖茨来中国推销他的女神维纳斯的时候,也要选择裕兴作合作伙伴,和裕兴的总裁祝维沙握握手。前不久,在关于网络是否泡沫的争论中,老祝站出来向吴敬琏叫板,他在《中
Yuxing was a dark horse that the Chinese business community broke through in 2000. When the Sina-led Chinese Internet company is still looking forward to the distant Nasdaq, Yuxing is listed on the Growth Enterprise Market in Hong Kong as the first mainland-based private-owned high-tech enterprise. A year ago, in March 1999, when Gates came to China to promote his goddess Venus, he also chose Yuxing as its partner and shook hands with Yuxing's president Viveisha. Not long ago, in the debate about whether the Internet bubble, I wish to stand up to challenge Wu Jingzhu, he was in "