
来源 :福建质量管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yanguoke
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Throughput of mobile ad hoc network (MANET) is limited by collision avoidance. In CDMA-based MANET, this limitation can be overcome by multiuser detection (MUD)
In this paper, the Tψ-convex functions were introduced as a generalizations of convex functions. Then the characteristics of the Tψ-convex functions were disc
Design patterns are micro architectures that have proved to be reliable, robust and easy to implement. Detecting design pattern from source code of object-orien
Mean decision power (MDP) is an important criterion of a new reduction model, and relative decision power (RDP) and amount of rules (AR) are key parameters of M
Clustering is an important technique for analyzing gene expression data. The self-organizing map is one of the most useful clustering algorithms. However, its a
去利霞家  九月的最后一天平静、异常。没有割草机  驶进利霞家的院子。晾衣绳轻轻地晃着、舔着  甜蜜的光滑的中国式铁栏。  更远处是管道施工队,忙着我们并不关心的活计。  一整天我们都是轻松、快乐的。  没有事物消耗着我们的力量。它们也不能。  我们坐着,像被铁拧在一起;  站起来,铁在熔化。  生活的美没有因我们而使它降低。  但我浪费了它,两次或三次。在这里,或别处。  噢,这严重的时刻一去永
Aiming at piezoresistive pressure sensors, this paper studies simulation of standard pressure by using benchmark current source and self-calibration of the samp