
来源 :粮食问题研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:al035258
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粮办工业产品如何提高市场份额于非一、知己知彼,百战不怠目前粮办工业企业在仓储、生产(加工)设备、技术、资金、人才资源等方面远远高于竞争对手;但也应看到竞争对手的优势:一方面他们因投资少,规模小,历史“包袱”轻,便于灵活经营管理;另一方面因国家对其宏观... At present, the grain-processing industrial enterprises are far superior to their competitors in terms of warehousing, production (processing) equipment, technology, capital and human resources, etc. However, they should also increase the market share of non-food- See the advantages of competitors: on the one hand they are less investment, small size, history “burden” light, easy to flexible management; on the other hand due to the country’s macro ...
江苏省主要淡水水产品批发市场价格(1998年4月) Jiangsu Province, the main freshwater aquatic products wholesale market prices (April 1998)
江苏省主要海水水产品批发市场价格(1998年2月) Jiangsu Province, the main seawater aquatic products wholesale market price (February 1998)
江苏省主要海水水产品批发市场价格(1998年5月8日) Jiangsu Province, the main seawater aquatic products wholesale market price (May 8, 1998)
江苏省主要淡水水产品批发市场价格(1998年6月9日) Jiangsu Province, the main freshwater aquatic products wholesale market price (June 9, 1998)
江苏省主要海水水产品批发市场价格(1998年4月) Jiangsu Province, the main seawater aquatic products wholesale market price (April 1998)