大动脉炎是一种少见的、系统性、慢性非特异性血管炎症,主要影响主动脉及其主要分支,大动脉炎累及冠状动脉的比例很高,约为10%~30%。该例女性患者因 AMI 入院,完善检查时发现全身多发血管病变,诊断为多发性大动脉炎,经免疫治疗好转。该例提示多发性大动脉炎由于发病隐匿,临床特征缺乏特异性,极易误诊。因此我们在临床工作中如遇到 AMI 的年轻女性患者,在无确切冠状动脉粥样硬化的危险因素下,体检如发现两上肢血压相差大于10 mm Hg、颈部、锁骨上或腹部闻及血管杂音、或有一侧或双侧肱动脉搏动减弱或消失,要想到多发性大动脉炎的可能,从而避免误诊、误治。“,”Takayasu arteritis is arare,systemic,chronic and nonspecific inflammatory vasculitis af-fecting large vessels,predominantly the aorta and its main branches.The incidence of coronary involvement is relatively high up to approximately 10% to 30%.In this report,the female patient was hospitalized due to acute myocardial infarction and diagnosed with Takayasu arteritis because of systemic vascular lesions upon clinical examinations.She was gradually recovered after hormone therapy.This case hints that it is likely to misdiagnose due to elusive onset and nonspecific symptoms of Takayasu arteritis.In clinical practice,the possi-bility of Takayasu arteritis should be considered if blood pressure difference greater than 10 mmHg between both arms,murmur in neck and supraclavicular or abdomen and weakening or lack of pulse in unilateral or bilateral brachial artery were detected in young female patients with acute myocardial infarction without risk factors of coronary artery atherosclerosis,aiming to avert the incidence of misdiagnosis and treatment failure.