
来源 :中国比较文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fsdgvii
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This paper explores universalism, aesthetics and utopia as three important aspects in Northrop Frye’s “Literary Archetype” theory and their relations with Marxist literary theory. It analyzes the similar theories of three modern western Marxist theoreticians (Jameson, Lentriccha and Eagleton) and their interpretations of Frye’s theory. The paper also presents problems and significance of the three aspects in the history of Chinese modern culture. The author thinks that the sociological analysis on the theories and practices of Frye’s and others will help to understand the correlative correspondence between cultural trends and modernity experience This paper explores universalism, aesthetics and utopia as three important aspects in Northrop Frye’s “Literary Archetype” theory and their relations with Marxist literary theory. It analyzes the similar theories of three modern western Marxist theoreticians (Jameson, Lentriccha and Eagleton) and their interpretations of Frye’s theory. The paper also presents problems and significance of the three aspects in the history of Chinese modern culture. The author thinks that the sociological analysis on the theories and practices of Frye’s and others will help to understand the correlative correspondence between cultural trends. and modernity experience
<正> 1986年,艾特玛托夫的长篇小说《断头台》刚问世,就在原苏联的文学评论界和广大读者中间引起了激烈的争论。一方面,这是由于作品多层次的主题和多变化的艺术手法引起的,另一方面,是小说大胆涉及宗教题材并且把一位基督徒作为小说的主人公所致。继《断头台》之后,艾特玛托夫在1990年又写出《成吉思汗的白云》。这同样是一部涉及宗教的小说,它描写了旧约时代的创世第一天,成吉思汗西征和“风雪小站”,暗示出启示录,整部小说探讨人与上帝的关系,是一部从创世第一天到启示录的人类发展史。艾特玛托
已发现在体外某些肿瘤细胞的低密度脂蛋白(LDL)受体活性增高,但 LDL 受体活性增高是由于肿瘤细胞的增殖还是一些与该病有关的细胞异常引起尚不清楚。目前对人类实体瘤的 LDL
1 引言胃癌在我国是威胁人民生命健康最常见的恶性肿瘤之一,每年死于胃癌的患者20万余人,占各种恶性肿瘤的第一位。外界环境中致癌因子通过饮食与胃接触,阐明饮食与胃癌的关
本文作者报道34名脑瘤垂体机能减退的患儿(17名男性、17名女性)用生长激素(GH)治疗的结果。 1970—1983年间42名与脑瘤有关的垂体功能减退患儿就医于匹兹堡市儿童医院内分泌